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Re: large disks in Cobalt Qube 2

>I have a Qube 2 waiting for such a project as well. A while back I
>remember seeing someone who squeezed two desktop-size PATA drives, a
>hardware raid card and a laptop-size drive all inside the Qube. I like
>the idea of the CF card as it would require less power. Just remember
>to try to limit the amount of writes on the CF card (turning off swap,
>writing log files to a different location, etc...).
That's what I was thinking as well, so the CF card contains the boot partition only, which only gets updated upon a kernel upgrade (I think :) )
I have also seen a project, fitting two 3,5" drives inside a Qube 2, but the space of the PCI slot got occupied by the second drive. The CF requires a lot less space and power than a second _real_ drive. It also generates lesser heat (none actually), so the system remains rather cool :)

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