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Re: starting audio applications via a common wrapper?

Junichi Uekawa wrote:
What if we designed a wrapper to start audio applications accordingly?
Here is a question: Do we want to start jack if it's not already
started (always obey the symlinks that the sysadmin has set), or do we
want to autodetect the current status ?

It might be nice to have a helper command that just detects what sound
daemon is running and help applications to use. Currently individual
applications are doing their own checks in their own ways, which may
sometimes have problems.

RFA needs to have many users who can login to a given machine to run rivendell and audacity. Since the apps need to run as the same user as jack we've chosen to start jackd from a script chunk added to /etc/X11/XSession.d/. This way when the user logins via kdm (would work for gdm, xdm, etc, too) jackd is started as that user.

We have some debconf choices set up in our packages to chose whether to start jackd on boot via an init script or on login as described above. Not exactly the wrapper idea being discussed here, but I thought it might add something to the discussion.

-Eric Rz.

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