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Re: upload rtirq and Ingo rt patches for Debian

Free Ekanayaka <freee@debian.org> writes:

> Hi Marcio,

Hi free,

> |--==> marciotex  writes:
>   m> Hi free and all
>   m> Can you upload rtirq? I did test and looks like ok. I can maintain or
>   m> help maintain package if you want.
> I've tried to do that, but it got rejected because it was considered
> too little. Maybe we should included it the rt-patch package..

Biological virus are little, too :) Include it the rt-patch looks like good.

>   m> I'm working in linux-patch-rt (Ingo patches for debian way kernel
>   m> compiles), too. If somebody be interested:
>   m> http://pkg-freebob.alioth.debian.org/debian/pool/main/l/linux-patch-rt/
>   m> I guess package is uploadable.
> I did one has well:
> http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/demudi/linux-patch-realtime-preempt/?rev=0&sc=0

Oh, duplicated work :(

> but did not upload it yet, I think because we wanted to maintain a
> debian flavour of the rt kernel, and include the patch directly there,
> but this idea never worked out due to lack of forces. It's probably a
> good idea to upload the package in the meantime, there's already an ITP
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=350878

I know. I ping you there asking about this.

> I'm going to do it very soon.

Cool :) What is necessary for to maintain a debian flavour of the rt
kernel? Good will is enough? :) I'm interested in this subject.

About libfreebob, is ok for upload (previous message).

> Ciao!
> Free

Marcio Roberto Teixeira
I use newsreader (nntp). Don't send messages directly to my email, please
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"tchê" Debian/GNULinux user

Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil

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