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Bug#482509: idjc: FTBFS: Nonexistent build-dependency: liblame-dev

On fredagen den 30 maj 2008, you stated the following:
> The ftbfs on autobuilder issue could be fixed by switching the order of
> the optional build-dependencies.

However, toolame is a stand-alone command-line encoder; it's hardly of any use 
when building idjc. Free may really have meant libtwolame-dev, but that's not 
a drop-in replacement for liblame-dev either; TwoLAME has a different API and 
ABI and at any rate, IDJC's ./configure doesn't look for it.

> but IMO it is a very bad idea to have a package build against a legally
> dubious library just because the system it was built on happened to have
> it installed.

Well, if it's installed it gets used whether or not it is listed as a build 
dependency. You'd have to list all such undesirable libraries in 
Build-Conflicts to prevent building against them, but IMHO that's merely 
inconvenient to everyone living outside the relatively few countries where 
software can be patented, who wants to rebuild the package with full 
functionality. Since there is no LAME in Debian there is no possibility that 
a package linked against LAME will make it to stable.

Magnus Holmgren        holmgren@debian.org
Debian Developer 

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