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Re: Debian multimedia blend

Hi Felipe,

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 11:22:48AM -0400, Felipe Sateler wrote:
> >> cool! I'm too curious how this will turn out! But a new Debian multimedia
> >> blends seems like a great idea! Thanks for your work on this!
> >
> > +1
> Well, lets see how this evolve. Hopefully users will give us enough
> feedback to make them really useful.

I hope that the web sentinel pages which are actually intended to enable
easy user feedback will help here.

> > As promised I will care for the web sentinel featuring these tasks as
> > soon as possible (<= 48h).
> Great!

I was actually seeking for the problem right after you created the
repository but totally failed to find this one line patch (see other
mail).  Seems the time was not ripe at this time...

> > BTW, any DD has commit permissions to Blends VCS so you can even commit
> > your patches directly.
> OK, but my perl fu is rather disappointing, so I'd rather pass patches
> through review ;)

So you want me as a similarly disappointing Perl programmer to review
your patches?  I'm actually really hoping for the GSoC project which
will rewrite the Blends metapackage creation mechanism in Python (not
only because of the new language for sure).

Kind regards



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