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libav, neon and raspbian

I maintain a Debian derivative called raspbian. We rebuild debian armhf with reduced minimum CPU requirements so it will run on all pi models.

Since it looks like raspbian will be continuing for the forseeable future and being used on all pi models. I have been working on trying to re-enable neon support in various packages (which we disabled in the early days of raspbian because at the time it seemed pointless).

The first package I started to tackle was libav (i'm working on jessie at the moment, I'll forward port efforts to stretch later). I modified the source package to reenable the neon build and use appropriate options for the different build.

To test whether neon is making a difference i'm disabling and reenabling hwcaps by creating and removing /etc/ld.so.nohwcap . ldd and strace confirm that this causes different libraries to be loaded. readelf shows the libs in /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/neon/vfp are tagged as neon and armv7.

So far i've tried a couple of tests, converting a wav file from 44.1 kHz to 48 kHz and converting a video file from mov to mpeg. Unfortunately i'm not noticing any performance difference.

So I'd like some advice.

1. Is there any way to see in avconv whether it thinks the libav it's using is built with neon support. I have the strace and readelf but I'd like application level confirmation if it exists. 2. Does only certain functionality in libav benefit from neon? if so what functionality?

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