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Bug#949689: mpg123: please add temporary mute key

Dennis Braun dixit:

>first of all this is a feature request for the upstream project and not
>for debian.

Yes, I know, hence I tagged it with “upstream”, and…

>here you can go to make a feature request for mpg123: 

… while maybe I could, I would have needed to find that out, and I
find SourceFrog cumbersome to use, and Debian package maintainers are
required to forward such issues upstream anyway, AND I happen to know
that Thomas reads the Debian bugtracker ☻

>what you can do meanwhile is for example to use a keyboard shortcut.

A keyboard shortcut to do WHAT, precisely?

There’s no keyboard shortcut to mute mpg123 temporarily and on second
press restore the original volume inside mpg123, which is the reason
for this feature request in the first place.

>in gnome-shell you can do this with:  gnome-control-center
>choose key combinations and scroll down, there is already an entry for it.

I won’t use GNOME.

>> Why don't you use JavaScript? I also don't like enabling JavaScript in
> Because I use lynx as browser.
	-- Octavio Alvarez, me and ⡍⠁⠗⠊⠕ (Mario Lang) on debian-devel

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