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Bug#942734: bs1770gain does not escape file names properly in XML output

[Etienne Dechamps 2019-10-20]
> Version: 0.6.5-1
> Steps to reproduce:
> $ sox -n '1 & 2.wav' synth 1 sine 1000
> $ bs1770gain --xml --suppress-progress . | xmllint -
> -:3: parser error : xmlParseEntityRef: no name
>     <track total="1" number="1" file="1 & 2.wav">
>                                          ^
> Correct escaping would be "1 &amp; 2.wav".
> This is a regression from bs1770gain 0.5.2-2, which did escape file names.

There is a non-fatal test for this in debian/tests/ now, and I see from
the latest run on amd64 that it is still a problem.  From
<URL: https://ci.debian.net/data/autopkgtest/unstable/amd64/b/bs1770gain/26130724/log.gz >:

-:2: parser error : xmlParseEntityRef: no name
  <track total="1" number="1" file="1 & 2.wav">
error: xmllint rejected XML output with ampersant in filename

Peter, any chance to have proper escaping in the XML output?
Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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