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AM Report on Masanori GOTO

AM's Final Report for Masanori GOTO <gotom@debian.or.jp>

Masanori GOTO has completed the new-maintainer checklist to my
satisfaction.  I recommend that he be accepted as a Debian developer.

        First name: Masanori
         Last name: GOTO
    Current e-mail: gotom@debian.or.jp
    Desired e-mail: gotom@debian.org, forwarded to gotom@debian.or.jp


Masanori has provided a GnuPG-signed scanned image of his driver's
license.  He has also provided the following public key:

pub  1024D/7AB1F0FE 2000-01-22 GOTO Masanori <gotom@debian.or.jp>
sig!       7AB1F0FE 2000-01-22  GOTO Masanori <gotom@debian.or.jp>
sig!       AE31C009 2000-07-07  Taketoshi Sano (Debian) <sano@debian.org>
sig!       72D03CB1 2000-07-21  Kenshi Muto <kmuto@debian.org>
sig!       3CC88C09 2000-09-05  Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
uid                            GOTO Masanori <gotom@stormix.com>
sig!       7AB1F0FE 2000-07-06  GOTO Masanori <gotom@debian.or.jp>
sig!       72D03CB1 2000-07-21  Kenshi Muto <kmuto@debian.org>
sig!       3CC88C09 2000-09-05  Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
sub  2048g/1F53F5B4 2000-01-22
sig!       7AB1F0FE 2000-01-22  GOTO Masanori <gotom@debian.or.jp>

As his key has been signed by Taketoshi Sano, Kenshi Muto and me.
We already met several time in Linux event in Japan or to drink beer
or something :)  He has passed the identification check.

Philosophy and Procedures

Masanori explicitly agreed the Debian Social Contract and understand
Debian Free Software Guildelines.  He shows good understanding our
philosophy and free software.

Tasks and Skills

Masanori is maintainer of plum and lv package via sponsorship.  
In addition, He is active developers of glibc localization.

Evaluation and Check-in

I believe that Masanori will be a valuable contribution to the Debian
family.  He would be a good package maintainer.  I hereby recommend 
Masanori be accepted as an official Debian maintainer.

Regarding e-mail arrangements, please setup the following:

   gotom@debian.org forwarded to gotom@debian.or.jp
   with a debian-private subscription for gotom@debian.or.jp

Thanks for your help.

Yours sincerely,
Fumitoshi UKAI
Application Manager for Masanori GOTO

Attachment: pgpB4HW78ZG52.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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