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Jakob Lida on hold

Jakob Lida is on hold as per his request.


----- Forwarded message from Jakub Lida <kuba@lida.prv.pl> -----

X-From_: kuba@lida.prv.pl Wed Sep 27 23:46:56 2000
Envelope-to: lfilipoz@emyr.net
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 09:26:46 +0200 (CEST)
From: Jakub Lida <kuba@lida.prv.pl>
To: Luca Filipozzi <lfilipoz@emyr.net>
Subject: Re: Your Debian New Maintainer Application
Organization: UMM (AGH) Faculty of Physics; Krakow (Poland)
PGP_PubKey1: alg=RSA;len=1024;keyid=0xD9B983D9;fprt=48E6630F1CBEC32C3EE1C3DA8465C654
PGP_PubKey2: alg=DSA/ElG;len=1024;keyid=0x446A6841;fprt=D9238A997C910CA18E66DEF09AC75E2E446A6841
User-Agent: Pine 4.21 for Unix


Unfortunately, I think that my decision to apply for the maintainership
was made too early. Next week I start my first year of university studies
and after having thought everything over I concluded that I would probably
not find enough time to work for Debian community. So I would rather
consider my application letter _not_vaild_ in these circumstances, I am

But if I find any free time in the second/third/... semester, I will apply
again then, since Debian is the system I've chosen as a uniqe UNIX
platform for PCs and I'd like to contribute to it.

As far as I am concerned, I've just finished my secondary school
(http://www.nowodworek.krakow.pl) where in years 1998-2000 I also worked
as a primary domain network administrator, I prepared a Internet
connection project with a city network ACK Cyfronet-AGH
(http://www.cyf-kr.edu.pl) which have been put into life this year. I was
UID=0 on the main WWW/FTP/SMTP/POP3/Primary DNS server
alpha.nowodworek.krakow.pl (CNAME www, IP: which has been
running Debian 2.1r2 slink. I've passed Cambridge FCE English language
certificate and now I am preparing for my CAE exam. Next week I begin
studying computation physics in the University of Mining and Metallurgy /
AGH (the second best Polish technical school) in Krakow (Cracow).

I have both PGP (RSA/1024) and GPG (DSA-ElG/1024) keys. At the time being,
only my PGP key can be obtained from my home page at:
* http://www.lida.prv.pl/kuba/jlidakey.txt

I will upload my GPG key soon and then you will be able to access them
both at:
* http://www.lida.prv.pl/kuba/en/index.html
(HTML page, English version)

In the future, when I decide to apply for the Debian maintainership, I
would like to contribute to the Debian project mainly by translation its
parts into Polish, and also by ITP-ing some new packages.

Jakub Lida
kuba@lida.prv.pl * http://www.lida.prv.pl/kuba/
tel: +48-604 44-93-88, tel/fax: +48-12 411-61-34

Student at the Univeristy of Mining and Metallurgy (AGH) in Krakow, PL
Faculty of Physics and Nuclear Techniques - http://www.ftj.agh.edu.pl/

(For authentication go to http://www.lida.prv.pl/kuba/pgp.html and
get my public PGP key then check the digital signature of this mail.
Fingerprints can be found in the "PGP*" headers of this mail message.)

Version: PGP 6.5.1i


----- End forwarded message -----

Luca Filipozzi
[dpkg] We are the apt. Resistance is futile. You will be packaged.

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