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AM report for Vince Mulhollon

Report for new developer applicant: Vince Mulhollon

Summary: Accept

Identification: Vince provided my a scan of his driver's license,
signed by his GPG key.

Philosophy and Procedures: Vince has agreed to the Debian Social
Contract and the DFSG.  He is subscribed to -announce and
-devel-announce, as well as -devel, -hamradio, -laptops, and -beowulf.
I asked some questions about the DFSG, and his answers were

Tasks and Skills: Vince has already packaged rio and palbart, which
were verified and sponsor-uploaded by Tony Mancill.  I spoke with
Tony, who agreed that they were of good quality, and lintian clean.
Vince has also already learned the vagaries of the BTS.

Based on this, I recommend Vince Mulhollon for membership in the
Debian project.

michael d. ivey        [McQ] : "There are two options for Internet
   <ivey@gweezlebur.com>     : companies, get bigger fast, or get
http://gweezlebur.com/~ivey/ : smaller fast."
 encrypted email preferred   :        -- DoubleClick CEO Kevin O'Connor

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