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AM Report for Keith Packard

Report for new developer applicant Keith Packard <keithp@keithp.com>:

Summary: Accept

1. Identification & Background

Check with key ID 0x096C4DD3:

ID Check passed, key signed by developer Russel Coker, among others.

Output from keycheck.sh 096C4DD3:

  Receiving and checking key
  pub  1024D/096C4DD3 2001-08-07 Keith Packard <keithp@keithp.com>
       Key fingerprint = 3B31 C0AD 093B 6CCD 3C63  81CE 429F 015B 096C 4DD3
  sig!3       096C4DD3 2001-08-07   Keith Packard <keithp@keithp.com>
  sig!3       096C4DD3 2001-08-07   Keith Packard <keithp@keithp.com>
  sig!3       87B1CFB5 2004-01-26   Horms <horms@vergenet.net>
  sig!2       8E7C03FF 2004-01-27   Matthew Wilcox <willy@debian.org>
  sig!3       F5C75256 2004-01-18   Russell Coker <etbe@debian.org>
  sig!        3D08B612 2004-01-16   Mark Purcell <msp@debian.org>
  sig!2       A7D91602 2004-01-25   Andrew Pollock <andrew.pollock@member.sage-au.org.au>
  sig!2       DE89C75C 2004-01-25   Sam Couter <sam@couter.dropbear.id.au>
  sig!3       3CED7EFD 2004-02-15   Daniel Stone <daniel@fooishbar.org>
  sig!3       096C4DD3 2004-02-14   Keith Packard <keithp@keithp.com>
  uid                            Keith Packard <keithp@xfree86.org>
  sig!3       096C4DD3 2001-09-21   Keith Packard <keithp@keithp.com>
  sig!3       F5C75256 2004-01-18   Russell Coker <etbe@debian.org>
  sig!3       3CED7EFD 2004-02-15   Daniel Stone <daniel@fooishbar.org>
  uid                            Keith Packard <keithp@freedesktop.org>
  sig!3       096C4DD3 2004-02-14   Keith Packard <keithp@keithp.com>
  sub  1024g/8A12F354 2001-08-07
  sig!        096C4DD3 2001-08-07   Keith Packard <keithp@keithp.com>

  17 signatures not checked due to missing keys
  Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
  Key is ok

Applicant writes:

  I have been a free software developer for a while now. I had my own
  PDP-11 and hacked on Unix from v6 through BSD 2.9.  I hacked on gdb
  and gcc in the early years, developing the NS 16032 support for gdb
  which is probably still shipped with the gdb releases.  In 1988, I
  went to work for the MIT X Consortium where I participated in the
  development of X11 for four years.

  I plan on continuing to develop the X Window System and ensure that
  the software meets the needs of the Debian community.  I am currently
  working closely with the Debian X maintainers and expect to adopt some
  of those Debian packages, especially those for which I am the primary

  I have been working with Branden Robinson to identify licensing
  problems in the current X window system sources.  I plan on ensuring
  that the core X packages remain DFSG-free by soliciting license
  changes, deleting offending code or spliting packages apart and moving
  pieces to non-free.

  As the upstream maintainer for a number of these packages, I believe I
  can provide unique value to the Debian project in it's goal to ship
  clearly licensed software in compliance with the Debian Free Software

  I admit to being a relative Linux newbie; I first installed Slackware
  2.0 with kernel 1.1.18 around 1995 or so.  I had dismissed it several
  years earlier as a cheap minix knock-off, and continued to use Unix
  workstations.  It took the efforts of a friend to demonstrate the
  utility of a system for which full source code was available, and from
  there it was straight downhill through Slackware to RedHat and finally
  Debian where I've stayed ever since.

  I can't quite find a good answer to why I want to write open source
  software; it's like asking why I want to spend time breathing.  As to
  why I want to volunteer with the Debian project, that's partially
  pragmatic -- other developers have convinced me that it's far easier
  to get the kind of Debian packages you want for your own software if
  you just build them yourself.  It's also a sense of responsibility; I
  lean on the efforts of hundreds of other Debian developers and feel
  like I should carry some of the load, at least the parts that I'm
  capable of.

2. Philosophy and Procedures

Keith has a flawless understanding of Debian's philosophy, as well as a
good understanding of procedures.  He provided acceptable answers to all
my questions about the Social Contract, DFSG, BTS, and other Debianisms.

3. Tasks and Skills

Keith does not maintain a package in the Debian archive, though he does
have a package of nickle prepared for upload.  He also answered my other
questions regarding T&S without problems.

4. Recommendation

I recommend Keith as a Debian developer.
Account: keithp
Forward-Email: keithp@keithp.com

Attachment: pgpQEpTvCy9YX.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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