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Re: [debian-newmaint] fresh blood gets congested: long way to become DD

On Mon, Oct 31, 2005 at 07:05:36AM -0800, Richard A. Hecker wrote:
> It seems like the threads about the NM process surface from time to time 
> and various complaints
> are raised.  The fact that these threads keep re-appearing suggest a 
> solution needs to be found.
> I should have addressed this response back in August, but I am doing so 
> now and the archives
> will have the complete discussion for future reference.
[... Thoughts about the problems of the NM process snipped ...]

I would like to express the feelings of a particular outsider like me
about the NM process and Debian.

I have been using debian since Bo. I am subscribed to several Debian
mailing lists because I like to be up to date about how things are going
with the proyect. Currently I make a living developing software for a
scientific institution.

I think that Debian, technically, outperforms most of the modern operating
systems in existence today, but for me the main appeal of the proyect was
always ideological and I am happy that a voluntary driven proyect had
proven that the corporative way is not the only way.

I have considered many times to apply to become part of the proyect, but
nowdays I more often regret not having done it back then, mainly because
with the current states of things I find quite ridiculous to be evaluated
for more than three years to be accepted. It is more than the time taken
to get some university degrees and, not that I want to, but it would be
easier for me to enter the secret service of my country than to enter

So what are you guys protecting so jealously?. Debian is passing through a
growing crisis, as showed by the problems with the last release, which, by
the way, involved me in more than a flame war with people throwing FUD at
Debian as useful operating system. Debian needs qualified people more than
ever and, instead of attracting the talent, Debian is discouraging the
applicants making them go through a process more strict, burocratic and
discouraging than some national security agencies. More so, I see Debian
discouraging people willing to colaborate in areas other than development,
as document translation for instance, depriving them of the same rights
than the DDs, or cutting support to less popular architectures in favor of
more popular ones, like any comercial corporation would do.

I fight hard to not be pessimistic, but Debian looks to me more and more
as a guild of a technical elite trying to protect its privileges... the
question is what privileges? And this last question is completely honest,
I would really like to know.


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