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Re: AM report for Andree Leidenfrost

Andree Leidenfrost <aleidenf@bigpond.net.au> writes:
> I thought after three months of inactivity it is appropriate that I
> enquire about the progress of my application.

Sure, no problem.

> The status page says that the last action happened on 2005-09-14 and
> that the following is still outstanding:
> * DAM to evaluate application
> * DAM creates new account or rejects application

Yes, that's correct.

> Interestingly enough, when looking at the status pages for my fellow
> applicants at the same stage as I, I notice that almost all of them have
> the last action date also on 2005-09-14 or shortly after in September.

Yes. That's because we added a field to store the requested account name
to the database in september. We added this data for all applicants that
were already approved by their AM.

> I am aware that we are all volunteers and most of us have a life beyond
> Debian (certainly true for me ;-) ) but I still feel that three months
> is a long time, especially as I am in plentiful company of other
> applicants having waited for three months for DAM approval (or rejection
> for that matter).

No, most of them wait a lot longer than 3 months (up to 8 months...)

>>> Please prevent further damage.
>> How?
> One answer might be to speed up DAM approval...

I fear I have to surprise you, but this is not a new idea. The long DAM
queue is and was a problem for some time now. To solve this, Joerg
Jaspert was appointed as new DAM a year ago and he started to work on
the backlog. The queue was shortened a lot since then (now ~25
applicants are waiting for DAMnation, down from >60). He will probably
get it empty in the next 6 weeks, at least I hope so.

BOFH #120:
we just switched to FDDI.

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