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Suggestion: Time limit for NM process

One problem with multi-month delays in the NM process is that they aren't
easily distinguishable from the early stages of infinite delays (which I
have heard is what unwanted applicants are sometimes treated to---I don't
know if it's true).  That A is in the fifth month of waiting doesn't mean
that A is not going to have to wait another five months, or years, for
something to happen.  This uncertainty is one of the more annoying aspects
of NM.

What would go a long way toward solving that problem would be to place a
time limit on NM processes.  Say that an application may only take one year
to process.  At the end of the year the application is automatically
rejected unless the process has been successfully completed before then.

This would put an end to indefinitely long periods of uncertainty.

What would work well in combination with this is the introduction of a
NM training course.  In the course, applicants would be guided through
the material they need to learn in order to pass NM.  Currently applicants
learn this material during NM, but if the course were available then they
could (start to) learn it, at their own pace, before starting NM.  Then
there would be no reason why applicants couldn't complete all their
work within the year.

More importantly, it would impose a time limit on NM functionaries.
Thomas Hood

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