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Re: Third call for votes for the debian project leader election 2006

(Dropping -i18n from recipient list. Since I'm not sure whether Helary reads this list, I'm ccing em.)

JC Helary wrote:
It is a mistaken belief. That page is just poorly worded in this
regard, if it makes you believe otherwise.

Poorly worded or not it is a status page. If the status does not mean
what it reads then it must be reworded.

Well, yeah, that's exactly what Antti-Juhani is saying.

No, he is saying that even though the page is poorly worded the meaning should be clear enough.

No, I'm not.

Which is not relevant since he is not in a position to give official interpretations of a poorly worded status page.

A status page is not law (the closest thing to law in this case is the Debian Constitution - have you read it?). It describes the process, it's not a specification. If it and reality do not agree, it's not the reality that is changed.

(Yeah, yeah, I should propose a change. I'll try to get back to that later.)

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