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Re: Yes, people can learn

On Mon, Apr 10, 2006 at 01:31:30PM +0200, Geert Stappers wrote:

> > Do you know that people can change their mind and behaviour and actually can
> > learn from the past? :-)
> The obvious answer is: Yes, people can learn.
> But it also triggers the question:
>   _What_ have you learned?
> I'm really curious about it.
> Please think "future"[1], use words like 'next time' , 'having in mind',
> 'working on' 'wanting to deliver' etc.

Well, one thing I've learned is: stay out of flame wars. They are wasted
time for everyone and useless.

I can't speak of "future", because I lost my crystal ball somewhere ;o), but
I can tell you what I'm doing now instead.... 

Working on: 

- mainly the m68k port: running 3 buildds currently, caring for another one,
managing for a second public *.d.o machine, giving out hardware for other
buildds (e.g. replacement NICs, harddisks, ...)

- giving away hardware for other DDs (e.g. a SGI Indigo2 to Alexander Wirt)
for porting stuff

- supporting developers by giving out accounts on m68k hardware for example
(like http://lists.debian.org/debian-68k/2006/03/msg00069.html)

- supporting non-official ports on http://www.buildd.net/ (e.g. amd64,
armeb, kfreebsd-amd64, etc.)

- d-i and kernel testing for m68k, bug reports, ... 

Having in mind/wanting to deliver:

- improving Buildd.Net
- maybe migrating it to some *.d.o host somewhen

- keeping m68k port alive

- ... 


Ciao...                //        Fon: 0381-2744150 
      Ingo           \X/         SIP: 2744150@sipgate.de

gpg pubkey: http://www.juergensmann.de/ij/public_key.asc

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