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AM report for Adrian Perez <adrianperez.deb@gmail.com>

1. Identification & Account Data
   First name:      Adrian
   Last name:       Perez
   Key fingerprint: 1024D/8A9A3084 2009-06-15  99E8 E74E 7B4F 93AE F32A  5523 9973 0D5C 8A9A 3084
   Account:         blackxored
   Forward email:   adrianperez.deb@gmail.com

   ID check passed, key signed by no existing developers.
   However, his case has been discussed at length in this thread:
   In particular: http://lists.debian.org/debian-newmaint/2009/08/msg00084.html

   Output from keycheck.sh:

   Syncing Debian Keyrings with rsync from keyring.debian.org
   Receiving and checking key
   gpg: requesting key 8A9A3084 from hkp server keys.gnupg.net
   pub   1024D/8A9A3084 2009-06-15
         Key fingerprint = 99E8 E74E 7B4F 93AE F32A  5523 9973 0D5C 8A9A 3084
   uid                  Adrian Perez <adrianperez.deb@gmail.com>
   sig!3        8A9A3084 2009-06-15  Adrian Perez <adrianperez.deb@gmail.com>
   sig!3        8A9A3084 2009-06-30  Adrian Perez <adrianperez.deb@gmail.com>
   uid                  Adrian Perez <webmaster@unilac.cu>
   sig!3        8A9A3084 2009-08-14  Adrian Perez <adrianperez.deb@gmail.com>
   uid                  Adrian Perez (Work) <tec_hard2@unilac.cu>
   sig!3        8A9A3084 2009-06-30  Adrian Perez <adrianperez.deb@gmail.com>
   uid                  [jpeg image of size 4104]
   sig!3        8A9A3084 2009-06-30  Adrian Perez <adrianperez.deb@gmail.com>
   sub   2048g/AA7C597B 2009-06-15
   sig!         8A9A3084 2009-06-15  Adrian Perez <adrianperez.deb@gmail.com>
   Let's test if its a version 4 or greater key
   Key is OpenPGP version 4 or greater.  Good!
   Check for key expire stuff
   Valid "e" flag on key 0x99730D5C8A9A3084, no expiration
   Valid "s" flag on key 0x99730D5C8A9A3084, no expiration

2. Background
   Applicant writes:

   So, first of all I'm 20 years old and I work as a network administrator,
   and ocasional software developer at UNILAC, Cuba. 
   I started using Linux and free software in late 2001, and for 2 simple
   reasons: power and freedom. As an on-going application developer I felt
   the need to have a programming environment like the ones linux provided
   (and provides); also I was somehow concerned in what I can do easily
   versus what I can't do at all, that was Windows.
   I was pretty comfortable with RedHat 7 Valhala at that time, and then
   continued in the redhat line until the split up. 
   When you see about my country, you may instantly mis-assume that the
   main interest for me to switching to free software was money. But that
   wasn't the case, I made the switch even before I started to realize
   that, and for me it was the most evolutionary change ever in the way
   software is developed and distributed. Transparency, in most cases
   community integration, learning, modification and free distribution are
   the factors I admire the most of FOSS.
   I was of course quite interested in debian since I integrated the
   various linux communities and user groups out there, and I think the
   RedHat split was the needed event to occur for me to switch to debian,
   then I never looked back.
   Currently, I could be qualified as an application developer, which has
   successfully engineered several projects, with different languages and
   different business domains. I have used the Java programming language
   the most, but I also started with C++, then C#; but what really made
   enjoy programming a lot more was dynamic languages, the fact that was so
   easy for me to accomplish small tasks in my linux box, and then I used
   them for large projects as well. In that case, my personal preference
   was python, but then I discovered ruby and my life changed. 
   Currently I develop most of the time with ruby, web apps with rails, and
   I'm pretty knowledgeable of both.
   Before this gets too long, I have to say that I am what I am because of
   free software, because of all those code snippets I studied, because of
   all the software I got access to, freely, without license issues,
   without patents, just FREE. And of course, because linux, because
   finally I discovered a system where I could always push harder and
   harder, with no visible barriers.
   So, about my debian work. It's hard to remember all of it, is not that
   huge is my memory ;).
   Well, since I realized I got the skills to be able to learn about
   helping debian, I did. I started stepping through the documentation,
   filling bug reports, suggesting ideas and the like. 
   I started maintaining a couple of packages (azureus and swt-gtk),
   orphaned from Shaun Jackman, and (in his words, with little instruction)
   worked together with him for adopting those. 
   In the meantime I joined the Debian-Java team and found there a small
   community of folks which I like a lot.
   I think the changelogs and the bug reports say all, so I won't repeat
   here, but I think it was a hard work what I accomplished there ;).
   Now azureus and swt-gtk are both in perfect shape, cleaned the backlog
   of bug reports, the lintian warnings/errors, fixed policy issues, made
   patches, etc. Also I have tight upstream contact with upstream
   developers in both cases (specially with the azureus team), which has
   given us a lot of feedback bidirectionally, we have stepped through bugs
   together, ideas, and the like.
   I was also requested by Niels Thykier to co-maintain eclipse, which is a
   huge package, and we are working together on it, along with Benjamin
   Drung. We have joined the eclipse-linux team, which is upstream in this
   case, and I'm in process of making a big refactoring there by replacing
   the shell scripts with ant tasks.
   It's hard to recall everything, but although I know my work isn't
   outstanding, I've been quite capable of handling all situations which
   arose, and I feel quite well prepared for those to come yet.
   I also applied for Debian Maintainer, but now I think won't be necessary
   at all, but is good for you to know.
   What do I expect to do for the Debian system? The answer to that is
   contrived, so I'll just tell that everything I'm capable of and I have
   the time and skills to accomplish. I have learned with debian, and
   somehow now I'm "returning their investment" by making debian better.
   I think it is relevant that I also have developed similar activities
   with the ubuntu teams, I have stepped through azureus and swt-gtk bugs
   in ubuntu, I have a good friendship with MOTU Onkar Shinde there, I have
   provided ubuntu-specific workarounds for some issues, I have reported
   and closed bugs there, so it's basically the same without the packaging
   as a MOTU. Also, regarding eclipse I have joined/contacted the
   eclipse-ubuntu team, which although adopted a different mode of
   packaging, we have came though common issues together. 
   I think this opened me the gates of free software for me, because now I
   receive mails from fedora devs, upstream authors, and I feel myself
   quite involved in my little portion of what free software makes.

3. Philosophy and Procedures
   Adrian has a good understanding of Debian's philosophy and procedures and
   answered all my questions about the social contract, DFSG, BTS, etc. in a
   good way. Adrian committed to uphold the SC and DFSG in his Debian work and
   accepts the DMUP.

4. Tasks and Skills
   Adrian has a good understanding of the technical side of Debian.
   Adrian is maintainer of azureus (sponsored by tmancill, sjackman and
   All packages are in good shape.
   Adrian also answered my other questions regarding T&S without problems.

5. Recommendation
   I recommend to accept Adrian as a Debian Developer.



GPG key: 4096R/E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enrico@enricozini.org>

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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