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Re: [NM-AM] NM process for Aron Xu

1. Identification & Account Data
   First name:      Aron
   Last name:       Xu
   Key fingerprint: 3A9E 7D14 9697 510A 3E37  CD95 C38E 8160 A178 41FE
   Account:         aron
   Forward email:   happyaron.xu@gmail.com

   ID check passed, key signed by one existing developer. Aron is
   aware he should get more signatures, but due to his geographical
   location (Jilin province, China, 2000Km away from the nearest DD)
   has so far been unable to do so.
   Output from keycheck.sh:

$ ./keycheck.sh 3A9E7D149697510A3E37CD95C38E8160A17841FE
gpg: requesting key A17841FE from hkp server keys.gnupg.net
pub   4096R/A17841FE 2010-10-04
      Key fingerprint = 3A9E 7D14 9697 510A 3E37  CD95 C38E 8160 A178 41FE
uid                  Aron Xu (happyaron) <happyaron.xu@gmail.com>
sig!         6D67F790 2010-11-25  Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org>
sig!3        A17841FE 2010-10-04  Aron Xu (happyaron) <happyaron.xu@gmail.com>
uid                  Aron Xu (GNOME) <aronxu@gnome.org>
sig!         6D67F790 2010-11-25  Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org>
sig!3        A17841FE 2010-10-04  Aron Xu (happyaron) <happyaron.xu@gmail.com>
uid                  Aron Xu (Ubuntu) <happyaron@ubuntu.com>
sig!         6D67F790 2010-11-25  Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org>
sig!3        A17841FE 2010-10-04  Aron Xu (happyaron) <happyaron.xu@gmail.com>
uid                  Aron Xu (Fedora) <aron@fedoraproject.org>
sig!         6D67F790 2010-11-25  Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org>
sig!3        A17841FE 2010-10-04  Aron Xu (happyaron) <happyaron.xu@gmail.com>
sub   2048R/AB62B0B8 2010-10-04 [expires: 2011-10-04]
sig!         A17841FE 2010-10-04  Aron Xu (happyaron) <happyaron.xu@gmail.com>
sub   2048R/9BDF4C7E 2010-10-04 [expires: 2011-10-04]
sig!         A17841FE 2010-10-04  Aron Xu (happyaron) <happyaron.xu@gmail.com>
sub   4096R/BA99A4BE 2010-10-04
sig!         A17841FE 2010-10-04  Aron Xu (happyaron) <happyaron.xu@gmail.com>

8 signatures not checked due to missing keys
Key is OpenPGP version 4 or greater.
Key has 4096 bits.
Valid "e" flag, no expiration.
Valid "s" flag, no expiration.

2. Background
Aron has been a DM since December 2010 - A short time indeed, but he
has been maintaining packages for quite some time before that - The
reason he didn't apply before is because he had not got the
opportunity to get his key signed before. 

An important part of his work consists on maintaining input methods
for X (for inputting Chinese characters). He is part of the IME
Packaging Team (pkg-ime), so many of his packages are
group-maintained, although he explained to me that he is often the
only responsible human for them. Many of the bugs where he has been
active are related to I18N/CJK support and documentation translation.

Aron also works in some upstream groups - He is both a GNOME and KDE
committer and GNOME foundation member, following the same lines. He
is also leading the Ubuntu Simplified Chinese Translators.

3. Philosophy and Procedures

He proficiently replied at all of my P&P-related questions, we had a
nice little debate regarding some of the pointy questions. He
definitively knows where Debian stands in the Free Software world,
properly understands what do the SC, DFSG, DMUP mean, and agrees to
abide by them in his Debian work. He even managed to reply and make
sense out of some extra/trick questions I expected him to skip!

4. Tasks and Skills

Aron pointed me at several examples of bugs he has fixed, and to some
well managed and well understood corner cases of upstream
interaction. Even though he (as we all) needs to sharpen his skills on
some areas (explicitly, better/cleaner shell scripting - A very
important skill of a package maintainer!), even his mistakes show he
understands the processes, and are more about form than about
function. I am confident he will become a valuable DD.

5. Recommendation

   I recommend to accept Aron as a Debian Developer.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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