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Re: Aw: Re: Unit 193: Declaration of intent

On Wed, 2016-07-13 at 19:20 +0530, Balasankar C wrote:
> Why? Debian is following meritocracy, AFAIK. Your contribution
> towards Debian matters, nothing else.

The project seems to be in agreement that wasn't true for Jacob
Appelbaum.  And as anyone who has been through the DD application
process knows - it's not true in general.  Debian wants to know your
past history, particularly with respect to open source, but also your
software expertise, behaviour on mailing lists, responsiveness to bug
reports.  Frankly, not asking for and examining these things for a
prospective DD would just be dumb.

It isn't difficult to imagine situations where a prospective DD who
Debian should admit needs to remain anonymous.  However, Debian is an
open organisation so all this information is put on public display,
which is at odds with maintaining anonymity.

Which brings me to my final point - openness and transparency is a core
Debian value.  We believe the world is a better place when sunlight
shines on all the dark corners, leaving selfish and malignant behaviour
no place to hide.  This comes at a cost, often a personal cost as our
mistakes are laid bare for all to see.  The core value is we are
willing to pay that cost.  And surely that includes cost of
occasionally not admitting someone who really belongs here.

That said, if they do belong here they should share this core value.
 Insisting they personally must remain anonymous isn't a good way of
demonstrating it.

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