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Re: Utkarsh Gupta: Declaration of intent

hi Utkarsh!

On Fri, Oct 04, 2019 at 05:48:03PM -0000, Utkarsh Gupta wrote:
> I would like to apply to change my status in Debian to Debian Developer, uploading.

yay, very much so!

When I've met Utkarsh only for a few days during DebConf19, he truely
impressed and quite very much motivated me. I can very much recommend
watching his talk "Debian from a newcomers POV" from Debian Day of dc19,
where this is showing very well! (It also only 6 or 7min long :)

Having said this, I dont feel comfortable (yet) in advocating him for DD
as I only sponsored two LTS uploads for him so far... (those were rather

That said I feel very comfortable knowing he will have full upload
rights soon, also because he is also eager to learn from his mistakes
to not repeat them.  Though mostly he is eager to improve things and
help existing teams to get things done (better).

So very much yay!

> I have worked on several Ruby, JavaScript, Perl, Python and Golang libraries/applications for a while now and I would like to be able to upload them on my own.

You have done much more and much more impressing work than this short
sentence implies!

Go Utkarsh! I'm looking forward to see more of your good work and
enthusiasm in Debian! Have fun and thank you very much for all of this!


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