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The NOSI open source cafe needs your help!

Hello all,

The NOSI Open Source Cafe ( http://www.nosi.net//cybercafe.shtml ) will be making an appearance at the CTCNet Annual Conference 6/11-6/13 ( http://www.ctcnet.org/conf/2004/index.htm ) in Seattle, Washington,

As always, we need your help staffing the cafe, answering questions about free and open source software, handing out the NOSI primer and the free software we are bringing, and generally being the face, hands and mouth of our effort. Last years cafe was a huge hit, and with reps from more than 600 NPO's present, we think this year will be another great chance to spread the word.

Tim Fliss of NPOTechs.org has kindly created an online sign up form, and we hope you will help us fill in the hours during the conference. Please visit http://cybercafe.ninefives.net/ to sign up.

Also, be sure to look for us at the Open Source Success Stories session http://www.ctcnet.org/conf/2004/at_conference/program_detail.asp?SessionID=155

If you can't work the cafe, we'd we would still love to see your smiling face so stop on by!


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