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Debian package available for OCaml-R.


I have a Debian package available for OCaml-R. Aside minor dependency issues, some cleanliness, and aside from brutal modification of the upstream buildsystem, I have an issue with the -rectypes option. Something very probably related to:


I must use the -rectypes option from the toplevel in order to work with this package. See below.

So I have two questions:

-1- How are we supposed to deal with the -rectypes option?

-2- Can I simply push the package to git so that you can inspect it? If so, how should I do that?

All the best,

Guillaume Yziquel.

yziquel@seldon:~$ ocaml-batteries -rectypes
        Objective Caml version 3.11.0

     |       | |                       |
    [| +     | | Batteries Included  - |
     |                       | |       |
     | -    Type '#help;;'   | |     + |]

# #require "R";;
# module X = R;;
module X :
    external init_r : string array -> int = "init_r"
    val init : ?argv:string array -> unit -> int
    external terminate : unit -> unit = "end_r"
    type sexp = R.sexp
    type symbol = string
    type arg = [ `Anon of sexp | `Named of sexp * symbol ]
    external sexp : string -> sexp = "r_sexp_of_string"
    external sexp_of_symbol : symbol -> sexp = "r_sexp_of_symbol"
    external set_var : symbol -> sexp -> unit = "r_set_var"
    external r_print_value : sexp -> unit = "r_print_value"
    external exec : string -> arg array -> unit = "r_exec"
    external current_test : unit -> unit = "r_current_test"
    external to_bool : sexp -> bool = "bool_of_sexp"
    external to_int : sexp -> int = "int_of_sexp"
    external to_float : sexp -> float = "float_of_sexp"
    external to_string : sexp -> string = "string_of_sexp"
    external of_bool : bool -> sexp = "sexp_of_bool"
    external of_int : int -> sexp = "sexp_of_int"
    external of_float : float -> sexp = "sexp_of_float"
    external of_string : string -> sexp = "sexp_of_string"
    external to_bool_array : sexp -> bool array = "bool_array_of_sexp"
    external to_int_array : sexp -> int array = "int_array_of_sexp"
    external to_float_array : sexp -> float array = "float_array_of_sexp"
    external to_string_array : sexp -> string array = "string_array_of_sexp"
    external of_bool_array : bool array -> sexp = "sexp_of_bool_array"
    external of_int_array : int array -> sexp = "sexp_of_int_array"
    external of_float_array : float array -> sexp = "sexp_of_float_array"
    external of_string_array : string array -> sexp = "sexp_of_string_array"
    external get_attrib : sexp -> string -> sexp = "r_get_attrib"
    val dim : sexp -> int array
    val dimnames : sexp -> string array

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