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Re: Please review: ocamlmod 0.0.4

Sylvain Le Gall <gildor@debian.org> writes:

   How do I get this warnings ?

maybe lintian options -i -IE --pedantic --show-overrides ?

I do

    DIST=sid ARCH=i386 git-pbuilder create


    DIST=sid ARCH=i386 git-pbuilder update

and then 

    rm -f ../*{tar.gz,dsc,build,changes,deb}; DIST=sid ARCH=i386 git-buildpackage --git-builder="git-pbuilder -I.git -i\.git"

from the package base directory, possibly using --git-ignore-new
or --git-tag --git-sign-tags . To speed things up I often make a
base-sid-i386-x.cow copy of the cow directory, permanently
install the build dependencies in there (cowbuilder -login
--save-after-login --basepath ...) and use ARCH=i386-x.

I have 


in ~/.pbuilderrc and B90lintian in HOOKDIR with

    set -e
    #exit 0
    install_packages() {
        apt-get -y --force-yes install "$@"
    install_packages lintian
    echo "+++ lintian output +++"
    su -c "lintian --color always -i -IE --pedantic --show-overrides /tmp/buildd/*.changes; :" - pbuilder
    echo "+++ end of lintian output +++"

I also have C10error-bash and a B91 hookfile containing

    /bin/bash < /dev/tty > /dev/tty 2> /dev/tty

such that I can investigate the situation at errors an after
lintian. For speed it is also important to have
D80no-man-db-rebuild with

    # Don't rebuild man-db
    echo "I: Preseed man-db/auto-update to false"
    debconf-set-selections <<EOF
    man-db man-db/auto-update boolean false



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