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Re: [Pkg-octave-devel] Debian packagers want to know [WAS: Popcon stats for the DOG packages]


I see by following links from another recent post by you that you are about to prepare an Octave io-1.0.17 pkg for Debian. FYI: I plan to make a new io pkg release (v. 1.0.18) fairly soon; it fixes a few bugs and updates to a minor but creepy LibreOffice UNO-Java API change (that they didn't tell me about earlier ;-( )


Sébastien Villemot wrote:
Philip Nienhuis<pr.nienhuis@hccnet.nl>  writes:

On my Linux boxes (Mandriva), Octave can read/write .xls and .ods w/o any
problems using io and java pkgs.
For a little while I tried Ubuntu - worked OK there as well.

I can't tell for these distributions. But on Debian, xlsread currently
fails, even with the java package installed (which itself installs a
JRE, of course). I am going to investigate it, and report any problem if
it turns out that it is not Debian specific.

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