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Re: [ANNOUNCE] OpenOffice.org 1.0.1rc and status update

On Wed, Jul 10, 2002 at 05:16:15PM +0200, Chris Halls wrote:
>On Wed, Jul 10, 2002 at 10:55:40AM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
>> Chris Halls wrote:
>> >  - Place the user install in ~/OpenOffice.org1.0.1
>> >      (this is the default for installs from the .tar.gz, too)
>> So personally, I refuse to use any software other than CVS, that
>> pollutes my home directory with non-dotfiles or non-dotdirs. Is there
>> any chance that openoffice will begin using va sane directory name in
>> the future?
>Well, we can set that directory to whatever we want, but I am worried that
>the user ends up with a load of ~/.openofficex.x directories that bloat the
>home directory.  Do we have a way of cleaning up the users' home directory
>in a way that doesn't prevent downgrades?

I assume no .. and as I can see from myself, I do not want to let
apt-get/dpkg cleaning my homefiles..... 

  .''`.    Jan-Hendrik Palic     |
 : :' : ** Debian GNU/ Linux **  |   ** OpenOffice.org **       ,.. ,..
 `. `'   http://www.debian.org   | http://www.openoffice.org  ,: ..`   `
   `-  jan.palic@linux-debian.de |                           '  `  `

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