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Re: Dictionaries: TODO

Jerome Warnier wrote:

I would like to change the way the *source* package is currently managed but I'm not sure what it would involve, or if it is even possible.

- make it less language-dependent:
   - having only one source package for all languages
       - permits to make a shared TODO file
       - permits unified bug reporting (and fixing)
- eases modifications (ex: putting dictionaries in a shared directory for other packages as well (Mozilla)) - autogenerate binary packages following zipfiles put in the right directory and using zipfile as upstream package and adding a diff-file for Debian package
- include README files from upstream zipfiles as doc

Rene, tell me what you think about this.

What the issue with the OOO <-> Mozilla is, I would think about doing packages installing the dictionaries into /usr/share/myspell (as Chris proposed alreday).

The problem I see is the linking to the places OOo wants it to have. We can link from /usr/lib/openoffice/..... to the apprpriate files in /usr/share/myspell. When we do this in the OOo package we'll have much dead links around. We could not do it in the myspell package because the myspell package should then work if mozilla but not OOo is installed. Mozillas related packages have to have to handle this in an equal way.

We can do the openoffice.org-spellcheck* packages to exists, depending on the package(s) containing the appropriate dictionaries and let the openoffice.org-spellcheck-* packages create the links.

It may be that I am thinking worse now and there is an easy solution that I did not see now, because at the moment I have much to do and though just a little moment about the issue...



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