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Re: Dictionaries: TODO

Hi Chris,

On August 6, 2002 03:47, Chris Halls wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 12:57:59PM -0400, Kevin B. Hendricks wrote:
> > Don't worry about the OOo part.  Once you decide on a shared location,
> > I can change the OOo lingucomponent code to look there for shared
> > files first
> Thanks for being so co-operative, Kevin :)
> I wonder whether we can do this in a way that would be flexible enough
> to benefit all the distros/OSes that need this by avoiding an absolute
> hardcoded path and either defining it at build time (maybe an extra
> configuration option in config_office), or at runtime as a PATH-like
> entry in dictionary.lst or similar?

I like your idea about a PATH entry in dictionary.lst, ... something along 
the lines of having a line like the following one (an absolute path) where 
the shared dictionaries can be found.

PATH /usr/share/myspell/dicts

> > (the dictionary.lst file would still need to be at the shared OOo
> > location but that is an OOo specific file anyway
> Actually, it is policy to place system configuration files under /etc.


> So dictionary.lst needs to be treated as a configuration file (to allow
> the system administrator to add dictionaries) and to reside under /etc. 
> This goes against the current OpenOffice.org single directory tree,
> although we already started talking about this on another thread :) 

Yes, I guess I am a holdout that assumes all apps shoud have a 
self-contained directory structure unless they supply system level 
services rquired by other apps.  I like being able to remove one directory 
recursively and basically removing all of OOo in one fell swoop.  I also 
don't like advertising shared libraries (in this case uno components) that 
could not possibly be linked to or used by other libraries or code.  We 
can agree to disagree about that!

So we can use a symlink to put dictionary.lst in 
/etc/OpenOffice.org/share/dict/dictionary.lst (or wherever you want it) 
and I can add support to parse a single PATH line from it as the location 
for the shared dictionaries.

Would that work?


> just wanted to point out that we have moved dictionary.lst and placed a
> link in the OOo tree to the location in /etc.  I belive that other
> distros follow the same policy, although not necessarily as strictly.
> > and I can incorporate a search path to find the actual dictionaries. 
> > I just want to make sure that any user installed dictionaries take
> > precedence over any shared dictionaries.
> That's great.
> Thanks,
> Chris

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