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Re: Libfreetype

On Friday 06 Jun 2003 9:32 am, you wrote:
> Just a problem of a limit to the time I can spend on the packages.. :)

Understandable, integrating a beast like OO.org into debian must be hard ;)

> We've had all sorts of problems with libfreetype in the past so I'm not
> rushing out untested changes in that area, and I've had other higher
> priority changes to do first.  Howver, 1.1 actually supplies the library as
> a shared library, so you might find that moving
> /usr/lib/openoffice1.1/program/libfreetype.so.6 out of the way brings the
> same results as LD_PRELOAD.

Excellent, ill give that a try

> BTW, the fonts on my system do not look much different when I use the
> system freetype.  How different do they look for you?

Type1 fonts look the same, truetype fonts look drastically different (better). 
Basically, i have an LCD screen and all my other fonts (gtk2/qt3) are sub 
pixel rendered and look better than macosX (truthfully), however OO doesnt 
respect the sub pixel rendering settings in fontconfig, so the fonts look a 
little more blurry (plain anti aliasing - will look identical on crt) but the 
libfreetype that ships with the OO packages make them look even more blurry. 
Basically, i have beautiful fonts everywhere but OO. tbh I wouldnt spend much 
type fixing this in your packages as it looks like ximian have made OO use 
fontconfig for XD2 - Maybe when that is released you could look at 
integrating some of their patches (the font and printing stuff) as it sounds 
much better than the cruft left over from staroffice that OO still uses.


Tom Badran
Imperial College

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