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Re: Swedish myspell packages

Chris Halls wrote:

On Thu, 2003-11-20 at 22:57, Hans Öfverbeck wrote:
I have made deb's of the Swedish myspell package (spell check and
hyphenation, no thesaurus) from http://sv.speling.org/files/
The files can be found at
The debianization is more or less copied from the
openoffice.org-dictionaries source package.
I have tested the packages together with OOo 1.1.0-2 and it works
fine. Together with mozilla 1.5-3 the spell checking works, but
"Swedish" isn't an option in the dialog, you'll have to choose sv_SE
or sv-SE.
I would appreciate if someone would like to sponsor the packages so
that they can make their way into debian eventually.

Sure, thanks for making the packages.  I have a few points:

1. Please file an ITP for your packages as documented in [1]


2. We were asked by the ftpmasters not to create such small hyphenation packages alone [2]. How about creating a single package that includes both the dictionary and hyphenation, calling it myspell-sv-se and in addition,
  Provides: openoffice.org-hyphenation-sv, openoffice.org-hyphenation?

Shouldn't it provide: openoffice.org-hyphenation-sv-se aswell ?

3. I guess this was to make the dictionary work with Mozilla?

 myspell-sv-1.3.8-6/debian$ cat myspell-sv-se.links
 /usr/share/myspell/dicts/sv_SE.aff /usr/share/myspell/dicts/sv-SE.aff
 /usr/share/myspell/dicts/sv_SE.dic /usr/share/myspell/dicts/sv-SE.dic

No, this was because the dsdt-policy draft says so: http://dict-common.alioth.debian.org/dsdt-policy.html#installdir

OOo does not need you to call the dictionary sv_SE.dic - I suggest you install it with the filename that Mozilla requires and change myspell-sv-se.dictlistinfo to read 'DICT sv SE sv-SE'. That way you do not need the links.

What I tried to describe earlier is that it doesn't work correctly with mozilla even with these symlinks, contrary to what http://spellchecker.mozdev.org/installation.html#dictionaries lead me to believe. If I make symlinks


then "Swedish" becomes an option in the spellcheck dialog, this could however conflict with a Finno-Swedish package.
I'm not sure if the differences between sv_SE and sv_FI are large enough to justify two different packages, so maybe there is no real risc for conflict. The fact that mozilla understands "sv" but not "sv_SE" can perhaps be taken as an indication that the mozilla developers consider the difference small.



[1] http://www.de.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/ch-pkgs.en.html#s-newpackage
[2] http://lists.debian.org/debian-openoffice/2003/debian-openoffice-200310/msg00388.html

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