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Bug#563032: openoffice.org-writer: Writer breaks embedded images/pictures after autosave

found 563032 2.0.0-1
forwarded 563032 http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=108002

On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 06:17:21PM -0800, Tim wrote:
> For several major releases now (2.x and later) I have had trouble with

So for two major releases ;) And if you saw it in 2.0.0, too why didn't you
set Version: accordingly?

> embedded images mysteriously disappearing from a document while I'm
> editing it. I have recently done some tests to narrow down (but not
> determine) the cause.
> I work in an office with two other people and frequently exchange OO
> writer documents with them.  One of these people works on a Mac and
> the other on Windows.  I'm on Debian Sid.
> I experience this problem when I receive a document created by the Mac
> user.  Essentially, after some time editing a document, 50% or more of
> the embedded images (png, jpeg, whatever) break.  They become blank
> boxes with a "Read-Error" message and an icon one might see on a web
> page with a broken image.  Note that the images load perfectly well
> when I first open the document.  Upon saving and closing the document
> (after the images are broken), I see them missing from my document
> entirely upon re-opening.  However, if I copy the image objects out of
> the original file, paste them into my new document, and save them
> before the autosave runs, I can usually work around the issue.
> I have noticed recently that this breakage actually occurs when
> Writer's auto-save feature kicks on.  This problem does not appear to
> crop up on any documents I create myself.  In addition, if I manage to
> save Mac created documents myself (re-adding images as necessary),
> then usually there is no breakage down the road (at least until my
> colleage edits it again).  
> To reproduce the problem, here are the steps:
> 0. (optional) change the autosave period to 1 min
> 1. open the document I provide
> 2. make a small edit to the document, perhaps adding text, but do not
>    save it
> 3. wait for autosave to run
> 4. check for any broken images
> I will submit 3 files initially.  One file created by my colleage on
> his Mac, and two screenshots of what the brokenness looks like on my
> machine.  Note that not every image is broken every time.  In most
> "realistic" documents we use every day, about 50% of the images become
> broken, often every other one.  For some reason in this test document,
> almost all of the images have become broken in most tests, but not
> always.
> Also note, my colleage experienced similar problems with his OO before
> moving to 3.x.  Now he doesn't have this issue.  The version he is
> currently running will be embedded in the .odt I provide.  
> Please let me know what else I can do to provide you the information
> you need.

First of all, *I* don't need the info, the OOO upstream does. I will
not have the time (and don't have enbough knowdlege of OOo internals) to
fix this myswelf anyway, so this better should have been upstream directly.
(As stated in presubj you swhould have been showed when reporting the bug)

Anyway, forwarded to http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=108002



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