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Bug#599473: openoffice.org: Lock problem with nfs mount

retitle 599473 openoffice.org: Lock problem with nfs mount after nfs outage
tag 599473 + unreproducible


On Thu, Oct 07, 2010 at 03:56:49PM -0500, Peter Hombach wrote:
>> This BTS is *NOT* for bpo bugs. And that didn't change when backports.org
>> became backports.debian.org.
> Too bad - where do the backport bugs are supposed to go?

The backports mailinglist (formerly backports-user, now probably debian-backports)

>> Ah, "file server". Totally specific. smb? nfs? something else?
> Sometimes it helps to read the bug report - it says "nfs". I doubt that  

Ah, sorry. Just read the actual report and overread the nfs in the Subject of
the mail.

> /etc/openoffice/soffice.sh
> line 10: FILE_LOCKING=auto
> I set this value to "no" as suggested by some postings, but it didn't  
> have any effect.

Ah, OK. Well, I bet this would only affect that OOo does locking/no locking,
but it won't probably help if there was a stale lock somewhere.

>> Ah, sure? And did you check the fs? Do you have .lock files accompanying
>> files?
> Yes, I am sure. And I did not see .lock files, at least not anywhere  
> near where the files were that I tried to edit.


>>> is an OpenOffice issue. Rebooting also has no effect.
>> And there is a bug here where? I don't see one yet.
>> And what did you reboot? OOo system? file server? Both?
> For my taste, it is a bug when out of the blue OO cannot properly access  
> a file, and it is the sole app that cannot. What else would you call it?

Out of the blue? Where? You said something about the nfs server being gone for
long. Admittedly, that shouldn't happen in any case, but..

> Reboot: both.




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