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Problem building libreoffice (4.1.0~rc2-1) with recent (1.54.0-2) boost libraries

Hi Rene,

FYI, just to save you some time to investigate:

I just tried to build libreoffice with the latest (1.54.0-2) boost libraries in Debian
(just s/1.53/1.54/ in debian/{config, rules} and here we go).
The build failed somewhere in the HelpCompiler component with lots of error messages
basically caused by BOOST_NOEXCEPT not being defined.

Turns out the culprit is libclucene-dev (
Now some "top level" boost headers include (over a long chain of nested includes)
boost/config/suffix.hpp, but because of the -I/usr/include/CLucene/ext they get this file
from there and not the "real"  boost/config/suffix.hpp from libboost1.54-dev.
If I remove the whole /usr/include/CLucene/ext the build succeeds.

Note that this problem is not specific to libreoffice 4.1.0~rc2-1, applies
at least for 4.1.0~rc1-1, too. Also note that I see no reason why libclucene-dev
does install these headers: no "proper" CLucene header contains any "#include <boost/...>".

Cheers, Roderich

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