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[SCM] LibreOffice packaging repository branch, debian-experimental-4.1, updated. libreoffice_4.1.0_rc3-1-3-ga27102b

The following commit has been merged in the debian-experimental-4.1 branch:
commit a27102b264714dcec2651ba7a2888654daa3f2e1
Author: Rene Engelhard <rene@debian.org>
Date:   Thu Jul 25 00:48:14 2013 +0200

    revert ba6478560792e0eec161142c8cfbc0e08cd7a4f5 (new in rc4) as it breaks some junit tests...

diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index b4390e8..e9f1917 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ libreoffice (1:4.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
     - use internal clucene again; still no action from the clucene
- -- Rene Engelhard <rene@debian.org>  Tue, 23 Jul 2013 19:42:26 +0200
+ -- Rene Engelhard <rene@debian.org>  Wed, 24 Jul 2013 23:54:17 +0200
 libreoffice (1:4.1.0~rc3-1) experimental; urgency=low
diff --git a/patches/revert-ba6478560792e0eec161142c8cfbc0e08cd7a4f5.diff b/patches/revert-ba6478560792e0eec161142c8cfbc0e08cd7a4f5.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7769da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/revert-ba6478560792e0eec161142c8cfbc0e08cd7a4f5.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,651 @@
+00:54 <@_rene_> shmget_: ping?
+00:56 <@_rene_> shmget_: see backlog:
+00:56 <@_rene_> 18:50 <@_rene_> sigh. since rc3->rc4 (and/or toolchain updates 
+                I have failing  unoapi tests)
+00:56 <@_rene_> 18:51 <@_rene_> xmloff, retry, forms, retry sd, retry, ...
+00:57 <@_rene_> 18:52 <@_rene_> (actually sfx2_complex right now)
+00:57 <@_rene_> 18:53 <@_rene_> http://zyklop.dyndns.org/~rene/sfx2_complex
+00:57 <@_rene_> 18:53 <@_rene_> thread #2 is similar everywhere iirc
+00:57 <@_rene_> I diff'ed rc3 to rc4 and saw 
+http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/commit/?h=libreoffice-4-1-0&id=ba6478560792e0eec161142c8cfbc0e08cd7a4f5 which touched bitmap stuff
+00:57 < IZBot> core - Resolves: #i122418# Added workaround to not use GetBitmap 
+               on windows
+00:57 < loirkerbot> LibreOffice (core) olivier.hallot * 
+                    cui/source/tabpages/tparea.cxx: Small String -> OUString 
+                    cleanup
+00:57 <@_rene_> shmget_: reverted that one, the checks don't fail anymore
+00:58 <@_rene_> thorsten, mmeeks: jfyi
+01:09 -!- ohallot [~Thunderbi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 
+          seconds]
+01:12 -!- ohallot [~Thunderbi@] has joined #libreoffice-dev
+01:13 <@shmget_> _rene_ without it you get 
+                 https://www.libreoffice.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=67076
+01:13 < IZBot> bug 67076: LibreOffice-UI blocker/high RESOLVED FIXED Colors 
+               aren't displayed in color combobox
+01:13 <@_rene_> even on linux?
+01:13 <@_rene_> (the commit says "windows", so...)
+01:14 <@_rene_> otoh, windows as not the os.. sigh.
+01:14 <@shmget_> _rene_ I don't know... that was reported on Mac, and I 
+                 bisected it on Mac...
+01:14 <@_rene_> hrm.
+01:15  * _rene_ tries with his Linux rc3
+01:17 <@_rene_> for example format -> paragraph -> border -> color?
+01:17 <@_rene_> (or whatever it's in en_US, de right here in front of me.)
+01:17 <@_rene_> that displays colors clicked...
+01:18 <@_rene_> in any case, the test shouldn't fail 3+ junit tests ;-)
+01:19 <@shmget_> _rene_ format -> character  and then the tab where you can 
+                 coose the font's colore... pull the drop-down cobobox to 
+                 select the colors => the rectangle wihere the color should be 
+                 is white or some random crap
+01:19 <@_rene_> yep.
+01:20 <@_rene_> 01:17 <@_rene_> that displays colors clicked...
+01:20 <@_rene_> s/clicked/when clicked/
+01:20 <@_rene_> ii  libreoffice-co 1:4.1.0~rc3- amd64        office 
+                productivity suite -- arch
+01:21 <@shmget_> well, I think any place taht have a combobox with color in it 
+                 is impacgted... so there are many way to go at it :-)
+01:21 <@shmget_> _rene_ do you see the same bug in linux ?
+01:21 <@_rene_> no, I don't
+01:22 <@shmget_> good then you can revert 'locally' without creating a bug 
+                 then...
+01:22 <@_rene_> yep, that's what I am doing
+01:22 <@_rene_> it's still bad
+01:23  * _rene_ wonders why it just fails for him or whetver the tests were 
+          even ran on linux
+diff --git a/include/vcl/bitmap.hxx b/include/vcl/bitmap.hxx
+index b6c00c2..85aead9 100644
+--- a/include/vcl/bitmap.hxx
++++ b/include/vcl/bitmap.hxx
+@@ -821,6 +821,35 @@ public:
+                                     const Link* pProgress = NULL );
+ public:
++    /** Draw a blend frame to the Bitmap
++        @param nAlpha
++        The blend value defines how strong the frame will be blended with the
++        existing content, 255 == full coverage, 0 == no frame will be drawn
++        @param aColorTopLeft, aColorBottomRight, aColorTopRight, aColorBottomLeft
++        The colors defining the frame. If the version without aColorTopRight and
++        aColorBottomLeft is used, these colors are linearly interpolated from
++        aColorTopLeft and aColorBottomRight using the width and height of the area
++        @param rTopLeft
++        The start point of the frame in pixels
++        @param rSize
++        The size of the frame in pixels
++     */
++    void DrawBlendFrame(
++        sal_uInt8 nAlpha = 128,
++        Color aColorTopLeft = Color(COL_WHITE),
++        Color aColorBottomRight = Color(COL_BLACK));
++    void DrawBlendFrame(
++        const Point& rTopLeft,
++        const Size& rSize,
++        sal_uInt8 nAlpha = 128,
++        Color   aColorTopLeft = Color(COL_WHITE),
++        Color   aColorTopRight = Color(COL_GRAY),
++        Color   aColorBottomRight = Color(COL_BLACK),
++        Color   aColorBottomLeft = Color(COL_GRAY));
+     BitmapReadAccess*       AcquireReadAccess();
+     BitmapWriteAccess*      AcquireWriteAccess();
+diff --git a/include/vcl/bitmapex.hxx b/include/vcl/bitmapex.hxx
+index 00a3c4e..ce1b2ae 100644
+--- a/include/vcl/bitmapex.hxx
++++ b/include/vcl/bitmapex.hxx
+@@ -395,38 +395,6 @@ public:
+                  const Size &rSize );
+ };
+-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+-/** Create a blend frame as BitmapEx
+-    @param nAlpha
+-    The blend value defines how strong the frame will be blended with the
+-    existing content, 255 == full coverage, 0 == no frame will be drawn
+-    @param aColorTopLeft, aColorBottomRight, aColorTopRight, aColorBottomLeft
+-    The colors defining the frame. If the version without aColorTopRight and
+-    aColorBottomLeft is used, these colors are linearly interpolated from
+-    aColorTopLeft and aColorBottomRight using the width and height of the area
+-    @param rSize
+-    The size of the frame in pixels
+-    */
+-BitmapEx VCL_DLLPUBLIC createBlendFrame(
+-    const Size& rSize,
+-    sal_uInt8 nAlpha,
+-    Color aColorTopLeft,
+-    Color aColorBottomRight);
+-BitmapEx VCL_DLLPUBLIC createBlendFrame(
+-    const Size& rSize,
+-    sal_uInt8 nAlpha,
+-    Color aColorTopLeft,
+-    Color aColorTopRight,
+-    Color aColorBottomRight,
+-    Color aColorBottomLeft);
+-// ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ #endif // _SV_BITMAPEX_HXX
+ /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
+diff --git a/svtools/source/control/ctrlbox.cxx b/svtools/source/control/ctrlbox.cxx
+index b839b89..37cf887 100644
+--- a/svtools/source/control/ctrlbox.cxx
++++ b/svtools/source/control/ctrlbox.cxx
+@@ -307,14 +307,16 @@ void ColorListBox::UserDraw( const UserDrawEvent& rUDEvt )
+             if(nEdgeBlendingPercent)
+             {
+-                const Color& rTopLeft(rStyleSettings.GetEdgeBlendingTopLeftColor());
+-                const Color& rBottomRight(rStyleSettings.GetEdgeBlendingBottomRightColor());
+-                const sal_uInt8 nAlpha((nEdgeBlendingPercent * 255) / 100);
+-                const BitmapEx aBlendFrame(createBlendFrame(aRect.GetSize(), nAlpha, rTopLeft, rBottomRight));
++                Bitmap aBitmap(rUDEvt.GetDevice()->GetBitmap(aRect.TopLeft(), aRect.GetSize()));
+-                if(!aBlendFrame.IsEmpty())
++                if(!aBitmap.IsEmpty())
+                 {
+-                    rUDEvt.GetDevice()->DrawBitmapEx(aRect.TopLeft(), aBlendFrame);
++                    const Color& rTopLeft(rStyleSettings.GetEdgeBlendingTopLeftColor());
++                    const Color& rBottomRight(rStyleSettings.GetEdgeBlendingBottomRightColor());
++                    const sal_uInt8 nAlpha((nEdgeBlendingPercent * 255) / 100);
++                    aBitmap.DrawBlendFrame(nAlpha, rTopLeft, rBottomRight);
++                    rUDEvt.GetDevice()->DrawBitmap(aRect.TopLeft(), aBitmap);
+                 }
+             }
+diff --git a/svtools/source/control/valueset.cxx b/svtools/source/control/valueset.cxx
+index 75a8d53..9623b29 100644
+--- a/svtools/source/control/valueset.cxx
++++ b/svtools/source/control/valueset.cxx
+@@ -341,14 +341,16 @@ void ValueSet::ImplFormatItem( ValueSetItem* pItem, Rectangle aRect )
+         if(nEdgeBlendingPercent)
+         {
+-            const Color& rTopLeft(rStyleSettings.GetEdgeBlendingTopLeftColor());
+-            const Color& rBottomRight(rStyleSettings.GetEdgeBlendingBottomRightColor());
+-            const sal_uInt8 nAlpha((nEdgeBlendingPercent * 255) / 100);
+-            const BitmapEx aBlendFrame(createBlendFrame(aRect.GetSize(), nAlpha, rTopLeft, rBottomRight));
++            Bitmap aBitmap(maVirDev.GetBitmap(aRect.TopLeft(), aRect.GetSize()));
+-            if(!aBlendFrame.IsEmpty())
++            if(!aBitmap.IsEmpty())
+             {
+-                maVirDev.DrawBitmapEx(aRect.TopLeft(), aBlendFrame);
++                const Color& rTopLeft(rStyleSettings.GetEdgeBlendingTopLeftColor());
++                const Color& rBottomRight(rStyleSettings.GetEdgeBlendingBottomRightColor());
++                const sal_uInt8 nAlpha((nEdgeBlendingPercent * 255) / 100);
++                aBitmap.DrawBlendFrame(nAlpha, rTopLeft, rBottomRight);
++                maVirDev.DrawBitmap(aRect.TopLeft(), aBitmap);
+             }
+         }
+     }
+diff --git a/vcl/source/control/ilstbox.cxx b/vcl/source/control/ilstbox.cxx
+index 7684ca8..b15bfc3 100644
+--- a/vcl/source/control/ilstbox.cxx
++++ b/vcl/source/control/ilstbox.cxx
+@@ -1870,16 +1870,19 @@ void ImplListBoxWindow::DrawEntry( sal_uInt16 nPos, sal_Bool bDrawImage, sal_Boo
+             const StyleSettings& rStyleSettings = Application::GetSettings().GetStyleSettings();
+             const sal_uInt16 nEdgeBlendingPercent(GetEdgeBlending() ? rStyleSettings.GetEdgeBlending() : 0);
+-            if(nEdgeBlendingPercent && aImgSz.Width() && aImgSz.Height())
++            if(nEdgeBlendingPercent)
+             {
+-                const Color& rTopLeft(rStyleSettings.GetEdgeBlendingTopLeftColor());
+-                const Color& rBottomRight(rStyleSettings.GetEdgeBlendingBottomRightColor());
+-                const sal_uInt8 nAlpha((nEdgeBlendingPercent * 255) / 100);
+-                const BitmapEx aBlendFrame(createBlendFrame(aImgSz, nAlpha, rTopLeft, rBottomRight));
++                const Rectangle aRect(aPtImg, aImgSz);
++                Bitmap aBitmap(GetBitmap(aRect.TopLeft(), aRect.GetSize()));
+-                if(!aBlendFrame.IsEmpty())
++                if(!aBitmap.IsEmpty())
+                 {
+-                    DrawBitmapEx(aPtImg, aBlendFrame);
++                    const Color& rTopLeft(rStyleSettings.GetEdgeBlendingTopLeftColor());
++                    const Color& rBottomRight(rStyleSettings.GetEdgeBlendingBottomRightColor());
++                    const sal_uInt8 nAlpha((nEdgeBlendingPercent * 255) / 100);
++                    aBitmap.DrawBlendFrame(nAlpha, rTopLeft, rBottomRight);
++                    DrawBitmap(aRect.TopLeft(), aBitmap);
+                 }
+             }
+         }
+@@ -2960,14 +2963,17 @@ void ImplWin::DrawEntry( sal_Bool bDrawImage, sal_Bool bDrawText, sal_Bool bDraw
+         if(nEdgeBlendingPercent)
+         {
+-            const Color& rTopLeft(rStyleSettings.GetEdgeBlendingTopLeftColor());
+-            const Color& rBottomRight(rStyleSettings.GetEdgeBlendingBottomRightColor());
+-            const sal_uInt8 nAlpha((nEdgeBlendingPercent * 255) / 100);
+-            const BitmapEx aBlendFrame(createBlendFrame(aImgSz, nAlpha, rTopLeft, rBottomRight));
++            const Rectangle aRect(aPtImg, aImgSz);
++            Bitmap aBitmap(GetBitmap(aRect.TopLeft(), aRect.GetSize()));
+-            if(!aBlendFrame.IsEmpty())
++            if(!aBitmap.IsEmpty())
+             {
+-                DrawBitmapEx(aPtImg, aBlendFrame);
++                const Color& rTopLeft(rStyleSettings.GetEdgeBlendingTopLeftColor());
++                const Color& rBottomRight(rStyleSettings.GetEdgeBlendingBottomRightColor());
++                const sal_uInt8 nAlpha((nEdgeBlendingPercent * 255) / 100);
++                aBitmap.DrawBlendFrame(nAlpha, rTopLeft, rBottomRight);
++                DrawBitmap(aRect.TopLeft(), aBitmap);
+             }
+         }
+     }
+diff --git a/vcl/source/gdi/bitmap4.cxx b/vcl/source/gdi/bitmap4.cxx
+index 5defb3e..efe8209 100644
+--- a/vcl/source/gdi/bitmap4.cxx
++++ b/vcl/source/gdi/bitmap4.cxx
+@@ -981,6 +981,7 @@ sal_Bool Bitmap::ImplPopArt( const BmpFilterParam* /*pFilterParam*/, const Link*
+     return bRet;
+ }
+ double* MakeBlurKernel(const double radius, int& rows) {
+     int intRadius = (int) radius + 1.0;
+     rows = intRadius * 2 + 1;
+@@ -1163,4 +1164,197 @@ bool Bitmap::ImplSeparableUnsharpenFilter(const double radius) {
+     return true;
+ }
++void impMixPixel(BitmapWriteAccess& rAcc, long y, long x, const Color& rColor, sal_uInt8 nAlpha)
++    const BitmapColor aBitmapColor(rColor);
++    if(nAlpha)
++    {
++        if(255 != nAlpha)
++        {
++            BitmapColor aTarget(rAcc.GetColor(y, x));
++            aTarget.Merge(aBitmapColor, nAlpha);
++            rAcc.SetPixel(y, x, aTarget);
++        }
++    }
++    else
++    {
++        rAcc.SetPixel(y, x, aBitmapColor);
++    }
++inline bool impVisibleX(long x, const Size& rSizePixel)
++    return x >= 0 && x < rSizePixel.Width();
++inline bool impVisibleY(long y, const Size& rSizePixel)
++    return y >= 0 && y < rSizePixel.Width();
++inline bool impVisibleXY(long y, long x, const Size& rSizePixel)
++    return impVisibleX(x, rSizePixel) && impVisibleY(y, rSizePixel);
++void Bitmap::DrawBlendFrame(
++    const Point& rTopLeft,
++    const Size& rSize,
++    sal_uInt8 nAlpha,
++    Color aColorTopLeft,
++    Color aColorTopRight,
++    Color aColorBottomRight,
++    Color aColorBottomLeft)
++    if(!IsEmpty())
++    {
++        const Size aSizePixel(GetSizePixel());
++        if(aSizePixel.Width() && aSizePixel.Height())
++        {
++            const long nW(rSize.Width());
++            const long nH(rSize.Height());
++            if(nW || nH)
++            {
++                BitmapWriteAccess* pAcc = AcquireWriteAccess();
++                const long nStartX(rTopLeft.X());
++                const long nStartY(rTopLeft.X());
++                const long nEndX(rTopLeft.X() + nW);
++                const long nEndY(rTopLeft.X() + nH);
++                long x(nStartX);
++                long y(nStartY);
++                if(pAcc)
++                {
++                    if(impVisibleXY(y, x, aSizePixel))
++                    {
++                        // x == nStartX, y == nStartY
++                        impMixPixel(*pAcc, y, x, aColorTopLeft, nAlpha);
++                    }
++                    if(impVisibleY(y, aSizePixel))
++                    {
++                        for(x = 1; x < nEndX - 1; x++) // y == nStartY
++                        {
++                            if(impVisibleX(x, aSizePixel))
++                            {
++                                Color aMix(aColorTopLeft);
++                                aMix.Merge(aColorTopRight, 255 - sal_uInt8(((x - nStartX) * 255) / nW));
++                                impMixPixel(*pAcc, y, x, aMix, nAlpha);
++                            }
++                        }
++                    }
++                    else
++                    {
++                        x = nEndX - 1;
++                    }
++                    if(impVisibleXY(y, x, aSizePixel))
++                    {
++                        // x == nEndX - 1, y == nStartY
++                        impMixPixel(*pAcc, y, x, aColorTopRight, nAlpha);
++                    }
++                    const bool bLeftVisible(impVisibleX(nStartX, aSizePixel));
++                    const bool bRightVisible(impVisibleX(x, aSizePixel));
++                    if(bLeftVisible || bRightVisible)
++                    {
++                        if(bLeftVisible)
++                        {
++                            for(y = 1; y < nEndY - 1; y++) // x == nStartX and nEndX-1
++                            {
++                                if(impVisibleY(y, aSizePixel))
++                                {
++                                    Color aMix(aColorTopLeft);
++                                    aMix.Merge(aColorBottomLeft, 255 - sal_uInt8(((y - nStartY) * 255) / nH));
++                                    impMixPixel(*pAcc, y, nStartX, aMix, nAlpha);
++                                }
++                            }
++                        }
++                        if(bRightVisible)
++                        {
++                            for(y = 1; y < nEndY - 1; y++) // x == nStartX and nEndX-1
++                            {
++                                if(impVisibleY(y, aSizePixel))
++                                {
++                                    Color aMix(aColorTopRight);
++                                    aMix.Merge(aColorBottomRight, 255 - sal_uInt8(((y -nStartY) * 255) / nH));
++                                    impMixPixel(*pAcc, y, x, aMix, nAlpha);
++                                }
++                            }
++                        }
++                    }
++                    else
++                    {
++                        y = nEndY - 1;
++                    }
++                    if(impVisibleXY(y, x, aSizePixel))
++                    {
++                        x = nStartX; // x == nStartX, y == nEndY-1
++                        impMixPixel(*pAcc, y, x, aColorBottomLeft, nAlpha);
++                    }
++                    if(impVisibleY(y, aSizePixel))
++                    {
++                        for(x = 1; x < nEndX - 1; x++) // y == nEndY-1
++                        {
++                            if(impVisibleX(x, aSizePixel))
++                            {
++                                Color aMix(aColorBottomLeft);
++                                aMix.Merge(aColorBottomRight, 255 - sal_uInt8(((x - nStartX)* 255) / nW));
++                                impMixPixel(*pAcc, y, x, aMix, nAlpha);
++                            }
++                        }
++                    }
++                    else
++                    {
++                        x = nEndX - 1;
++                    }
++                    if(impVisibleXY(y, x, aSizePixel))
++                    {
++                        // x == nEndX - 1, y == nEndY - 1
++                        impMixPixel(*pAcc, y, x, aColorBottomRight, nAlpha);
++                    }
++                    ReleaseAccess(pAcc);
++                }
++            }
++        }
++    }
++void Bitmap::DrawBlendFrame(
++    sal_uInt8 nAlpha,
++    Color aColorTopLeft,
++    Color aColorBottomRight)
++    if(!IsEmpty())
++    {
++        const Point aTopLeft(0, 0);
++        const Size aSize(GetSizePixel());
++        const sal_uInt32 nW(aSize.Width());
++        const sal_uInt32 nH(aSize.Height());
++        if(nW || nH)
++        {
++            Color aColTopRight(aColorTopLeft);
++            Color aColBottomLeft(aColorTopLeft);
++            const sal_uInt32 nDE(nW + nH);
++            aColTopRight.Merge(aColorBottomRight, 255 - sal_uInt8((nW * 255) / nDE));
++            aColBottomLeft.Merge(aColorBottomRight, 255 - sal_uInt8((nH * 255) / nDE));
++            DrawBlendFrame(aTopLeft, aSize, nAlpha, aColorTopLeft, aColTopRight, aColorBottomRight, aColBottomLeft);
++        }
++    }
+ /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
+diff --git a/vcl/source/gdi/bitmapex.cxx b/vcl/source/gdi/bitmapex.cxx
+index 1266043..fb3cc39 100644
+--- a/vcl/source/gdi/bitmapex.cxx
++++ b/vcl/source/gdi/bitmapex.cxx
+@@ -925,153 +925,4 @@ bool BitmapEx::Create( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference<
+     return false;
+ }
+-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-BitmapEx VCL_DLLPUBLIC createBlendFrame(
+-    const Size& rSize,
+-    sal_uInt8 nAlpha,
+-    Color aColorTopLeft,
+-    Color aColorBottomRight)
+-    const sal_uInt32 nW(rSize.Width());
+-    const sal_uInt32 nH(rSize.Height());
+-    if(nW || nH)
+-    {
+-        Color aColTopRight(aColorTopLeft);
+-        Color aColBottomLeft(aColorTopLeft);
+-        const sal_uInt32 nDE(nW + nH);
+-        aColTopRight.Merge(aColorBottomRight, 255 - sal_uInt8((nW * 255) / nDE));
+-        aColBottomLeft.Merge(aColorBottomRight, 255 - sal_uInt8((nH * 255) / nDE));
+-        return createBlendFrame(rSize, nAlpha, aColorTopLeft, aColTopRight, aColorBottomRight, aColBottomLeft);
+-    }
+-    return BitmapEx();
+-BitmapEx VCL_DLLPUBLIC createBlendFrame(
+-    const Size& rSize,
+-    sal_uInt8 nAlpha,
+-    Color aColorTopLeft,
+-    Color aColorTopRight,
+-    Color aColorBottomRight,
+-    Color aColorBottomLeft)
+-    static Size aLastSize(0, 0);
+-    static sal_uInt8 nLastAlpha(0);
+-    static Color aLastColorTopLeft(COL_BLACK);
+-    static Color aLastColorTopRight(COL_BLACK);
+-    static Color aLastColorBottomRight(COL_BLACK);
+-    static Color aLastColorBottomLeft(COL_BLACK);
+-    static BitmapEx aLastResult;
+-    if(aLastSize == rSize
+-        && nLastAlpha == nAlpha
+-        && aLastColorTopLeft == aLastColorTopLeft
+-        && aLastColorTopRight == aLastColorTopRight
+-        && aLastColorBottomRight == aLastColorBottomRight
+-        && aLastColorBottomLeft == aLastColorBottomLeft)
+-    {
+-        return aLastResult;
+-    }
+-    aLastSize = rSize;
+-    nLastAlpha = nAlpha;
+-    aLastColorTopLeft = aLastColorTopLeft;
+-    aLastColorTopRight = aLastColorTopRight;
+-    aLastColorBottomRight = aLastColorBottomRight;
+-    aLastColorBottomLeft = aLastColorBottomLeft;
+-    aLastResult.Clear();
+-    const long nW(rSize.Width());
+-    const long nH(rSize.Height());
+-    if(nW && nH)
+-    {
+-        sal_uInt8 aEraseTrans(0xff);
+-        Bitmap aContent(rSize, 24);
+-        AlphaMask aAlpha(rSize, &aEraseTrans);
+-        aContent.Erase(COL_BLACK);
+-        BitmapWriteAccess* pContent = aContent.AcquireWriteAccess();
+-        BitmapWriteAccess* pAlpha = aAlpha.AcquireWriteAccess();
+-        if(pContent && pAlpha)
+-        {
+-            long x(0);
+-            long y(0);
+-            // x == 0, y == 0
+-            pContent->SetPixel(y, x, aColorTopLeft);
+-            pAlpha->SetPixelIndex(y, x, nAlpha);
+-            for(x = 1; x < nW - 1; x++) // y == 0
+-            {
+-                Color aMix(aColorTopLeft);
+-                aMix.Merge(aColorTopRight, 255 - sal_uInt8((x * 255) / nW));
+-                pContent->SetPixel(y, x, aMix);
+-                pAlpha->SetPixelIndex(y, x, nAlpha);
+-            }
+-            // x == nW - 1, y == 0
+-            pContent->SetPixel(y, x, aColorTopRight);
+-            pAlpha->SetPixelIndex(y, x, nAlpha);
+-            for(y = 1; y < nH - 1; y++) // x == 0 and nW - 1
+-            {
+-                Color aMixA(aColorTopLeft);
+-                Color aMixB(aColorTopRight);
+-                aMixA.Merge(aColorBottomLeft, 255 - sal_uInt8((y * 255) / nH));
+-                pContent->SetPixel(y, 0, aMixA);
+-                pAlpha->SetPixelIndex(y, 0, nAlpha);
+-                aMixB.Merge(aColorBottomRight, 255 - sal_uInt8((y * 255) / nH));
+-                pContent->SetPixel(y, nW - 1, aMixB);
+-                pAlpha->SetPixelIndex(y, nW - 1, nAlpha);
+-            }
+-            x = 0; // x == 0, y == nH - 1
+-            pContent->SetPixel(y, x, aColorBottomLeft);
+-            pAlpha->SetPixelIndex(y, x, nAlpha);
+-            for(x = 1; x < nW - 1; x++) // y == nH - 1
+-            {
+-                Color aMix(aColorBottomLeft);
+-                aMix.Merge(aColorBottomRight, 255 - sal_uInt8(((x - 0)* 255) / nW));
+-                pContent->SetPixel(y, x, aMix);
+-                pAlpha->SetPixelIndex(y, x, nAlpha);
+-            }
+-            // x == nW - 1, y == nH - 1
+-            pContent->SetPixel(y, x, aColorBottomRight);
+-            pAlpha->SetPixelIndex(y, x, nAlpha);
+-            aContent.ReleaseAccess(pContent);
+-            aAlpha.ReleaseAccess(pAlpha);
+-            aLastResult = BitmapEx(aContent, aAlpha);
+-        }
+-        else
+-        {
+-            if(pContent)
+-            {
+-                aContent.ReleaseAccess(pContent);
+-            }
+-            if(pAlpha)
+-            {
+-                aAlpha.ReleaseAccess(pAlpha);
+-            }
+-        }
+-    }
+-    return aLastResult;
+ /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
+diff --git a/vcl/source/gdi/outdev2.cxx b/vcl/source/gdi/outdev2.cxx
+index 232eedb..e178426 100644
+--- a/vcl/source/gdi/outdev2.cxx
++++ b/vcl/source/gdi/outdev2.cxx
+@@ -1151,7 +1151,6 @@ void OutputDevice::DrawImage( const Point& rPos, const Size& rSize,
+ Bitmap OutputDevice::GetBitmap( const Point& rSrcPt, const Size& rSize ) const
+ {
+     DBG_CHKTHIS( OutputDevice, ImplDbgCheckOutputDevice );
+-    OSL_ENSURE(OUTDEV_PRINTER != GetOutDevType(), "OutputDevice::GetBitmap with sorce type OUTDEV_PRINTER should not be used (!)");
+     Bitmap  aBmp;
+     long    nX = ImplLogicXToDevicePixel( rSrcPt.X() );
+@@ -1161,7 +1160,7 @@ Bitmap OutputDevice::GetBitmap( const Point& rSrcPt, const Size& rSize ) const
+     if ( mpGraphics || ( (OutputDevice*) this )->ImplGetGraphics() )
+     {
+-        if ( nWidth > 0 && nHeight  > 0 && nX <= (mnOutWidth + mnOutOffX) && nY <= (mnOutHeight + mnOutOffY))
++        if ( nWidth && nHeight )
+         {
+             Rectangle   aRect( Point( nX, nY ), Size( nWidth, nHeight ) );
+             bool        bClipped = false;
+@@ -1219,13 +1218,7 @@ Bitmap OutputDevice::GetBitmap( const Point& rSrcPt, const Size& rSize ) const
+                         aPosAry.mnDestHeight = nHeight;
+                         if ( (nWidth > 0) && (nHeight > 0) )
+-                        {
+                             (((OutputDevice*)&aVDev)->mpGraphics)->CopyBits( &aPosAry, mpGraphics, this, this );
+-                        }
+-                        else
+-                        {
+-                            OSL_ENSURE(false, "CopyBits with negative width or height (!)");
+-                        }
+                         aBmp = aVDev.GetBitmap( Point(), aVDev.GetOutputSizePixel() );
+                      }
diff --git a/patches/series b/patches/series
index bc8d93f..0ea38ed 100644
--- a/patches/series
+++ b/patches/series
@@ -29,3 +29,4 @@ javadoc-optional.diff

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