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Bug#795131: libreoffice-core: segfault in libvclplug_gtk3lo.so

forwarded 795131 Caolán McNamara <caolanm@redhat.com>


On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 01:12:05AM +0200, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
> Apparently the issue happens much more often than it seemed in the
> beginning.

Just from IRC:

11:15 < _rene_> caolan: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=795131
11:16 < loircbot> LibreOffice (core) sbergman * 
                  slideshow/source/engine/sp_debug.cxx: loplugin:unreffun
11:16 < _rene_> caolan: bt (without libreoffice-dg, though, asked him to 
                install it) in 
11:17 -!- jluth [~jluth@ip6.pool2.gold.clients.juba.rcswimax.com] has quit 
          [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
11:18 < loircbot> LibreOffice (core) Thorsten.Behrens * slideshow/ (7 files in 
                  3 dirs): slideshow: prefer value_type over manual type 
11:18 <@caolan> _rene_: seems to be selection/clipboard related anyway
11:19 <@caolan> _rene_: twiddling calc documents here doesn't blow up for me, 
                and cutting and pasting stuff around the place is stable too
11:20 <@caolan> worth asking if he has any sort of clipboard "thing" active or 
                anything of that nature. screen shot of his full desktop maybe 
11:22 -!- gulsah [~quassel@] has joined #libreoffice-dev
11:22 -!- jluth [~jluth@ip6.pool2.gold.clients.juba.rcswimax.com] has joined 
11:23 < _rene_> caolan: ok, will do, that might explain the calc thingy but not 
                why he says "more often" (but I asked him how often "more 
                often" is already :))
11:23 < _rene_> caolan: will keep you updated ;)



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