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Bug#806799: libreoffice changes open application for plain text files

reassign 806799 leafpad

On Tue, Dec 01, 2015 at 04:12:12PM +0000, ewew wrote:
> When installing libreoffice on xfce4 desktop enviroment the setting of open
> application changed for plain text files. For example if i have leafpad, the it

libreoffice-writer.desktop contains:


and IMHO this is completely correct since LO *can* open plain text files.

Maybe leafpad should have a higher prio for text/plain (which is the only
one it mentions it its .desktop) than LO?

LO has
whereas leafpad has none. So LO "wins".

Honestly, I don't consider this a LO bug but a leafpad bug. Reassigning.

And even if it was a LO bug, you report it against the version in stable which
will never be changed wrt that. (Neither LO nor leafpad). As it would change
"important" configuration people might rely on..



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