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Bug#843023: switch libmdds-dev to Architecture: any

tag 843023 + wontfix

On Thu, Nov 03, 2016 at 09:45:34AM +0100, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> Alternatively, if you have more knowledge as to why that dependency
> exists and whether it really is needed. libmdds-dev can stay
> Architecture: all after removing the dependency on libboost-dev and can
> then be marked Multi-Arch: foreign.

Erm, what? Obviously this dependency exists because mdds uses boost headers?

$ grep boost /usr/include/mdds-1.2/mdds/*
grep: /usr/include/mdds-1.2/mdds/multi_type_vector: Is a directory
/usr/include/mdds-1.2/mdds/node.hpp:#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
/usr/include/mdds-1.2/mdds/node.hpp:    typedef ::boost::intrusive_ptr<node>  node_ptr;
/usr/include/mdds-1.2/mdds/point_quad_tree.hpp:    typedef ::boost::intrusive_ptr<node> node_ptr;
/usr/include/mdds-1.2/mdds/quad_node.hpp:#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>

> I am attaching a patch for the former solution as the latter is not
> necessarily correct. Please consider applying it.

No. mdds is Architecture all and it doesn't contain arch-dep parts (just
contains headers). Marking it as any is wrong.



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