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Bug#911859: Seems to be

retitle 911859 libreoffice-base: "<table> is no SQL conform identifier" if containing non-SQL-92-allowed


sorry for the late answer.

On Sun, Feb 17, 2019 at 12:06:12PM +0000, John Talbut wrote:
> I found that the setting:
> "Use SQL-92 naming constraints"
> in Edit > Database > Advanced settings" was set.  I unset it and the
> problem seems to be resolved.
> Is this a new setting that defaults to being set?  Or a setting that has
> been changed to default to set?

I am not actually sure but I wouldn't be surprised for either.
Priobably for hsqldb->firebird.

Being strict about the SQL standard is a good thing in principle and the
bug imho is that you didn't confirm to it/whatever hsqldb/the code created

What is your table name? Does it contain special characters or so?
Is it SQL 92 conform? See e.g.

Ah, I see that in a previous mail you wrote

--- snip ---
If I eliminate a hyphen and space in the new table name I no longer get
this message.  However, I hit a further problem when I click to create
the table I get a message:
"SQL Status: SOO10
Error code: -62
Invalid argument in JDBC call: parameter index out of range: 12"

As far as I have found out up to now this is something to do with the
primary key.

So, questions:

- Are the changes to SQL intentional, meaning that SQL statements will
need to be edited, or not, this is a bug and normal service will be
resumed when it is sorted out?
- Are these errors connected with the migration to Firebird?
- "is no SQL conform identifier" does not make sense, should it be "does
not conform to SQL identifier specification".
--- snip ---

which would explain it.

> I suppose I could have inadvertently set it, but I don't know how as
> these are not settings that I am not aware of ever having changed.

Nah, don't think you set it.



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