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Bug#964471: libreoffice-l10n-ru: error when configuring: cp: cannot create regular file '/etc/libreoffice/registry/Langpack-ru.xcd': No such file or directory


Am 07.07.20 um 21:21 schrieb Evgeny Kapun:
>> but how did you get into this situation?
> I've run `apt-get --with-new-pkgs upgrade`. This upgraded some
> libreoffice packages including libreoffice-l10n-ru, but not
> libreoffice-common because this would require it to remove
> libreoffice-style-tango.

Aha. Will try.

And libreoffice-style-tango is required to be removed for a reason: It
simply is gone upstream :-)

> In the future, it seems wise to test plain `upgrade` and
> `--with-new-pkgs upgrade` in addition to dist-upgrade. 

Maybe. But here you DO want dist-upgrade. You are not supposed to keep
libreoffice-style-tango and the dependencies enforce that.



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