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Bug#1009061: libreoffice: QRCode wishlist


Am 06.04.22 um 19:55 schrieb Nicolas Patrois:
As far as I know, the "Quartile" quality is not "Quartile", even if it allows
to retrieve up to 25% of the data, but "Quality".


"Level L (Low)    7% of data bytes can be restored.
Level M (Medium)    15% of data bytes can be restored.
Level Q (Quartile)[71]    25% of data bytes can be restored.
Level H (High)    30% of data bytes can be restored."

(Besides that "Quality quality" would sound wrong besides being doubled, wouldn't it?)

I also wish that:
* the output image’s format is svg, not only png
     or why not in pure text (with 0 and 1, or blocks like U+2588 FULL BLOCK and
U+2001 EM QUAD),
* we could choose an icon inserted in the centre of the QRCode,
* we could choose the size of the modules in pixels.

I also wish people would actually read reportbugs output and directly file this upstream where it belongs (and not do all of this in one). What are people expecting? That I file *one* upstream bug with these three wishes (which they - as me - are "not amused" about or file three bugs? Which isn't able to be marked as forwarded then in any way. And what if only one wish is done?`Close it? Leave it open?)

Just follow proper procedures, thanks.



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