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Bug#1019740: libreoffice: Please package the qt6 VCL plugin


just discussed this on IRC. For reference:

17:38 < _rene_> michaelweghorn: ping?
17:38 < michaelweghorn> _rene_: pong
17:38 -!- mw_web [~mw_web@2001:a61:2596:c001:f128:ccdb:acb1:1a03] has joined #libreoffice-dev 17:38 < _rene_> michaelweghorn: I of course know about that plugin and actually even fixed the build once ;-) 17:38 < _rene_> michaelweghorn: the question was whether it has a stability compared to qt5 ;) 17:39 < _rene_> michaelweghorn: and: is there something desktop-detecor'ish actually using it? 17:39 < _rene_> michaelweghorn: users usually don't know about SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN...
17:39 < _rene_> (also sent per mail  now for recording in the bug log)
17:40 < _rene_> michaelweghorn: ideally reply there :)
17:42 -!- hellsworth [~hellswort@] has joined #libreoffice-dev
17:42 < michaelweghorn> _rene_: from my developer experience, I'm currently not aware of anything that's broken in qt6, but not qt5 VCL plugin, 17:42 < michaelweghorn> except video playback on Wayland (tdf#145735), which is due to there no longer being a qt6 gstreamer plugin
17:43 < _rene_> so people will complain about that...
17:43 < michaelweghorn> _rene_: and platform integration (theme) isn't as nice, since I think there's no qt6 platform theme as of now, same with qtcreator 17:43 < _rene_> but I consider videos and audios in presentations a bug in the presentation anyway 17:44 < michaelweghorn> _rene_: nothing uses qt6 by default (desktop-detection) and I wouldn't replace qt5/kf5 as of now, but only package qt6 as optional alternative 17:44 < _rene_> sure, that will we a given anyway due to the qt6 dependencies and we need qt5 for kf5 17:44 < _rene_> so why would we want it then if users won't actually get the effects? 17:45 < michaelweghorn> _rene_: but if you think that should wait until qt5/qt6 can be replaced, I'd probably rather wait for a qt6/kf6-based plasma desktop after all 17:45 < _rene_> as said, most people will just install it and notice no effect at all
17:45 < _rene_> or some other qt6 thingy
17:45 < _rene_> doesn't need to be plasma :)
17:46 < _rene_> trying to decide whether the adding make sense AND warrants a unknown waiting time in NEW 17:46 < michaelweghorn> _rene_: I don't have a strong opinion on whether it makes sense to package qt6 in debian right now, fine with any decision on that
17:47 < _rene_> ok
17:47 < _rene_> ok with me sending this conversation into the bug for reference? 17:47 < michaelweghorn> _rene_: my main motivation to file https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1019740 was timur's question in

17:47 < IZBot> bug 145734: LibreOffice-LibreOffice normal/medium NEW [META] Qt6 VCL plugin bugs and enhancements 17:48 -!- htietze [~ht@p200300d60f0129003587351e4b9d6368.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
17:48 < _rene_> yeah, read that
17:48 < _rene_> but he's a user knowing that that and SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN exists 17:49 < michaelweghorn> _rene_: sure, I'm fine with that conversation ending up in the bug report, thanks for taking care of that :) 17:50 < michaelweghorn> _rene_: as mentioned, my idea for now was just to have it optionally for people who know what they're doing and it wouldn't affect others at all 17:50 < michaelweghorn> _rene_: but I don't have any hard feelings either way 17:51 < _rene_> will think about it. maybe only for 7.5.x where waiting in NEW is not a big deal
17:52 < michaelweghorn> _rene_: sounds fine for me :)
17:52 < _rene_> (aka not in the next Debian release)
17:52 < _rene_> that one will definitely has 7.4.x (7.4.4 most probably)



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