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Re: Debian has not been selected for GSoC 2017

On 27/02/17 18:49, Nicolas Dandrimont wrote:
> Hey all,
> Due to the lower amount of general motivation, and most notably the
> weakness of our projects page during the Google review, after
> discussion with the program administrators, Debian will not be part
> of Google Summer of Code this year.
> Some of our recurring mentors have shown some signs of "GSoC
> fatigue", so all in all I think it's reasonable: let's have a
> summer to ourselves to recover (and push Stretch out the door) and
> come back next year in better shape than ever!
> We're still participating in Outreachy, so the next few months will
> still have us some interns working on core Debian projects, just in
> a (very) reduced scope.

Hi Nicolas,

Thanks for the notice about this and for all the tireless efforts the
admin team puts in behind the scenes every year.

The Outreachy team of mentors and interns is doing a great job right
now and shouldn't be concerned about this announcement in any way.

Members of the Debian community are active in many other free software
projects, including many of the organizations that will participate in
GSoC this year.  Maybe they can be invited to use the Debian GSoC wiki
to link to their projects outside Debian during the current GSoC
selection round?

For those students who already asked about GSoC: with or without GSoC,
the Debian community is always open to mentoring new contributors
through the mentors.debian.net initiative:

and informally through any other Debian activity.  Any prospective
interns or contributors are very welcome to inquire here in the
debian-outreach list or IRC if they have questions about how to get

For RTC projects I'll be sending a separate email.  One opportunity
for students to think about is taking the work done on DruCall[1] and
WPCall[2] and proposing similar plugins for any of the other web-based
organizations[3] participating in GSoC this year.  The lab servers
used last year remain available for such projects in 2017 even if they
are not formally organized under Debian.



1. http://drucall.org
2. http://wpcall.org
3. https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/organizations/

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