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Re: Packaging a CGI with modules?

[CC added to MJ. Sorry if you're subscribed]

-=| Dominic Hargreaves, Fri, 6 Jul 2007 09:38:52 +0100 |=-
> On Fri, Jul 06, 2007 at 11:27:04AM +0300, Damyan Ivanov wrote:
> > -=| MJ Ray, Fri, 06 Jul 2007 08:54:52 +0100 |=-
> > > As well as having ITP'd koha, I am an upstream developer of it.
> > > Upstream, I am setting WriteMakefile()'s PM to move the files into
> > > good locations - for example, I'm currently putting the CGIs in
> > > $(INST_LIB)/koha/cgi-bin - and I intend to mv them with
> > > debian/rules to meet policy.  Is that the best
> > > MakeMaker-definable location for them to start in?
> > 
> > Sure. koha/cgi-bin for the CGIs, koha/lib for the modules (*.pm).
> Why not /usr/lib/cgi-bin, the designated place for CGI scripts?
> (this is what I do for openguides).

I'd prefer to make the package more separate. I mean, if it puts the
CGIs in some "common" place, then one has to enable all the CGIs in
that "common" place, regardless of where they came from (koha or not).
With separate place, ScriptAlias will enable CGI support only to koha's
scripts and nothing else. For example, imagine user wants to use a
VirtualHost or a separate Location for koha.

BTW, MJ, what is the expected value for $(INST_LIB) in the pure
(non-Debian) installation and when used from debian/rules?

> > If there is some way to put custom path in CGIs' @INC, the IMO
> > correct place for the modules is /usr/share/koha/lib. If it is
> > troublesome to get that path in @INC, then install them
> > in /usr/share/perl5/
> I'm not sure I agree with this either. They are perl modules; assuming
> there's no chance they will conflict with another package containing
> the same modules, why should they not live in /usr/{share,lib}/perl5,
> the designated place for them? (this is what I do for openguides)

The only problem I have with this is the "no chance of conflict"
guarantee. This may or may not be relevant for koha.
dam            JabberID: dam@jabber.minus273.org

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