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Re: Problems with Scalar::Util which break weak references in debian

-=| Jeremiah C. Foster, Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 06:11:45PM +0200 |=-
> rjbs informed me about a problem with debian's version of
> Scalar::Util. It does not properly implement the 'weaken'

Is there a reference, URL or something else with details?

> subroutine. This means that a great deal of CPAN that relies on this
> subroutine, and on weak references, fails. This also means that the
> version of perl 5.8.8 that debian provides does not provide weak
> references which are fairly widely used.
> Scalar::Util is provided by libfilehandle-unget-perl, although my
> understanding is that it is in the core distribution for perl 5.10.

Huh? Searchiing for Scalar/Util.pm gives returns only perl-base as a


> I tried to use dh-make-perl to build a new Scalar::Util deb, but
> dh-make-perl complains that it is a package in core, so would not
> download and build the deb.

IIRC, there is an option to ignore this.

> I also looked at the Util.pm package and
> found that it is out of date, the current version of Scalar::Util is
> 1.19 but the version provided by libfilehandle-unget-perl is 1.14,
> this is why it does not show up in the qa report cgi script.

I don't follow, sorry. "dpkg -L libfilehandle-unget-perl" shows no
traces of Scalar/Util.pm here (libfilehandle-unget-perl 0.1621-3)

> I am not sure about the best way to go about fixing this.

I say wait for the perl 5.10 to enter unstable. Filing a bug against the
5.8 version and marking it as fixed in 5.10 may help to track the issue.

I see a little poing of introducing libscalar-util-perl package which
will be useful only for a couple of weeks.

dam            JabberID: dam@jabber.minus273.org

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