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Re: Verzoek om deel te mogen nemen aan project Debian Perl Group

-=| noreply@alioth.debian.org, Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 05:44:45AM +0000 |=-
> Joost van Baal heeft een verzoek ingediend om aan je project deel te nemen. Je kunt dit verzoek afhandelen op de <a href="http://alioth.debian.org/project/admin/?group_id=30274";>project beheer pagina</a>.


I've just added you to the alioth project. BTW, this is not strictly 
required for Debian developers as they have commmit access to the 
suversion repository.

Anyway, you're in. Before you start committing, it is expected that 
you're familiar with the policy and subversion guides on 
http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org.  In case you have any 
doubts/questions, feel free to mail debian-perl@l.d.o or stop by on 
#debian-perl IRC channel on irc.debian.org (OFTC).

Welcome to the group!

dam            JabberID: dam@jabber.minus273.org

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