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Re: Git migration update

On Thu, Aug 04, 2011 at 09:01:23AM +0200, David Bremner wrote:
> On Mon, 1 Aug 2011 17:32:35 +0200, Alessandro Ghedini <al3xbio@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Having worked with git for some time, I find that the first option 
> > (updating d/changelog at each commit) makes way harder to cherry pick, 
> > revert, bisect, and backport changes. Given that subversion misses many of 
> > the features that git has, this was not a problem in the svn days, but now
> > I think it would ease the maintainance of the packages if everyone goes for
> > option 2 and use git-dch(1) before releasing.
> I don't mind a policy of having changelog modifications in separate
> commits (although I frankly rarely do fancy stuff with packaging
> commits) but I would object pretty strenuously to mandating git-dch (or
> any other tool) to write changelogs. Of course if people find it
> convenient, then great.  I think as a team we should be very cautious
> about enlarging the set of tools needed to work with our packages.  So
> far, for people not doing mass commits, it is quite practical to use git
> and a text editor. I hope it stays that way.

Of course you can use whatever method you prefer, I said git-dch just 
because that's what the doc mentions.


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