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Re: Low-hanging fruits meeting -- March, 2014


> So, our next low-hanging session will take place on #debian-perl on:
>   date -d 'Thu Mar 6 22:00:00 GMT 2014'

It did happen. Four of us participated in a way that I noticed, and
here's the report.


18 arch:any packages were worked on to add hardening build flags
=> 14 uploads

There are 94 candidates left. If you want to take over from this
point, here's a quick hack to detect these:

  for N in `grep 'Architecture: any' */debian/control | cut -d: -f1 | cut -d/ -f1`; do if ! grep cdbs $N/debian/control; then B=`cat $N/debian/compat`; if [ "x$B" = "x9" ]; then echo "ok: $N"; else echo "TODO: $N $B"; fi; fi; done | grep TODO

Leaf packages with RC bugs

Upstreams were pinged, bug reports were forwarded, and the list of
packages was refreshed, with "next action" dates and all:


8 packages will be removed at the end of the month if we get no reply
from upstream. We should consider downgrading 3 packages, and it is
planned to ping upstream again for 3 other packages.


Our Launchpad subscriptions for team-maintained packages were updated.
This required updating the script used to do so, "thanks" to the lack
of API stability of the underlying libraries.

"Ready for upload" backlog

Some packages from PET's "Ready for upload section" were uploaded.


A bug severity was upgraded to serious :/

Next session

We're trying to schedule a LHF session in April, see the dedicated
thread :)

  | GnuPG key @ https://gaffer.ptitcanardnoir.org/intrigeri/intrigeri.asc
  | OTR fingerprint @ https://gaffer.ptitcanardnoir.org/intrigeri/otr.asc

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