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Re: Perl sprint 2016?

On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 07:08:29PM +0000, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
> Hello,
> At the team meeting in Heidelberg we said another sprint (around May
> time) was a good idea. At that time, the location proposals were
> Oxford and Zürich. The hackspace I had in mind in Oxford won't work
> out; there are other options, but I might be short of time to research
> them in the coming weeks. Are the Zürich locals still interested/able
> to host/arrange?
> Before we can decide whether a sprint can go forward, we need:
> * a viable location

Is anyone from the Zurich side able to look into this? The CCC
hackspace looks interesting but it wasn't obvious from their
website whether they had a bookable meeting space.

I'm unlikely to have time to search out new venues in Oxford in
time, I'm afraid :(

> * an agenda

We seem to be doing okay on this but more ideas welcomed!

> * enough likely participants

We have responses from 6 people, which is good - but it would be
even better if we could get a few more, including maybe a few
more who didn't come last year or attend prevous debconfs? (Hint, hint)


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