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Re: Help needed to update libswiss-perl

On Sat, 14 Apr 2018 17:03:42 +0200, gregor herrmann wrote:

> So during the package build Module::Build/Build.PL is used (because
> debhelper prefers it over EUMM/Makefile.PL) but Makefile.PL manually
> works.

Update from IRC, quoted with permission:

22:12 <daxim> gregoa, I debugged the swiss-prot problem from
              yesterday. it's indeed a simple build problem like the
              symptoms hinted at. in the build.pl variant, the
              blib/lib/SWISS/dr_ord file is missing. the software
              works as designed; when someone added M::B support he
              overlooked that M::B by default does not handle
              extensionless filenames.

So using the perl_makemaker build system should be fine indeed; maybe
someone wants to contact upstream about the issue.


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