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Re: Bug#895570: devscripts: wrap-and-sort should default to -ast (--wrap-always, --short-indent, --trailing-comma)


Sorry for the late reply

On Thursday, 12 April 2018 21:43:02 CEST Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> > Thanks for wrap-and-sort!  It's great to have nice canonicalized-form
> > debian packaging.
> You should also check out cme :)

I can only agree :-D

> > I think these three options (--wrap-always, --short-indent,
> > --trailing-comma) should be the default.
> I'd like to converge togethre with cme, so I'm CCing its maintainer to
> see whether he has an opinion.  If so I'd clone the bug so he can do it
> as well.

I don't have a very strong opinion on what should be the canonical format of 
debian control files.

I do believe that we should have one so tool writers can have a reference to 
implement and people would not see changes when using different formatting or 
generation tools (e.g dh-make-perl, cme, wrap-and-sort). 

That said, I think that having formatting options (like --wrap-always --short-
indent) kind of defeat that purpose because people have different ideas on 
what looks best.

Back to cme and wrap-and-sort, I'd really like to converge on formatting so 
that both tools provide the same output (I've already changed the way 
dependencies are sorted to match wrap-and-sort algorithm).
If we allow formatting options, these options should be saved in a file 
(should that be a local or global conf file ? or both ?) so that cme and wrap-
and-sort can produce the same result with a simple command.

> (TTBOMK cme doesn't allow configuring this detail, it only does the
> equivalent of plain `wrap-and-sort` in this regard).

yes. Some part of cme are generic (for cme dpkg, cme ssh, cme systemd...) and 
do not support formatting options.

I'm currently simplifying the reader/writer classes (aka backend) so adding 
formatting options to cme should be easier.

I've cc'ed debian-perl team, they often have good ideas to smooth packaging 

Thoughts ?

All the best


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